CryptoPunk 4627

One of 3840 Female Punks.


This Punk has 2 attributes, one of 3560 with that many.

Clown Hair Green
148 Punks have this.
Welding Goggles
86 Punks have this.

Current Market Status

This Punk is currently owned by address 0x062c54.
This Punk is currently for sale by owner for 500Ξ ($1.16M). This sale is only offered to address .
There are currently no bids on this Punk.

Current Market Status

Transaction History

Type From To Amount Txn
Offered 500Ξ ($1.62M) Aug 27, 2021
Offered 350Ξ ($942,686) Aug 04, 2021
Offered 220Ξ ($410,604) Mar 14, 2021
Offered 125Ξ ($234,417) Mar 14, 2021
Transfer 0xa3cb30 0x062c54 Mar 14, 2021
Offer Withdrawn Feb 18, 2021
Offered 105Ξ ($68,164) Dec 27, 2020
Bid Withdrawn CPyrc 18Ξ ($6,796) Oct 15, 2020
Bid CPyrc 18Ξ ($6,790) Oct 15, 2020
Bid Withdrawn PM_disco… 13.50Ξ ($5,079) Oct 14, 2020
Bid PM_disco… 13.50Ξ ($5,015) Oct 10, 2020
Bid Withdrawn CPyrc 12.50Ξ ($4,262) Oct 07, 2020
Offered 85Ξ ($28,813) Oct 07, 2020
Bid CPyrc 12.50Ξ ($4,265) Oct 06, 2020
Bid Withdrawn Dude_Nak… 12Ξ ($4,214) Oct 06, 2020
Bid Dude_Nak… 12Ξ ($4,236) Oct 06, 2020
Bid ManOverb… 6Ξ ($2,118) Oct 06, 2020
Transfer 0x00bd9f 0xa3cb30 Mar 07, 2018
Bid 0x6611fe 0.30Ξ ($80) Jul 06, 2017
Bid Withdrawn 0x717403 0.05Ξ ($14) Jun 25, 2017
Bid 0x717403 0.05Ξ ($14) Jun 25, 2017
Claimed 0x00bd9f Jun 23, 2017

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