CryptoPunk 9472

One of 6039 Male Punks.


This Punk has 3 attributes, one of 4501 with that many.

481 Punks have this.
Shadow Beard
526 Punks have this.
Small Shades
378 Punks have this.

Current Market Status

This Punk is currently owned by address 0x6b8b76.
This Punk is currently for sale by owner for 62.95Ξ ($145,941). This sale is only offered to address .
There are currently no bids on this Punk.

Current Market Status

Transaction History

Type From To Amount Txn
Offered 62.95Ξ ($204,051) Apr 27, 2024
Bid Withdrawn 0x084263 45.50Ξ ($138,489) Apr 20, 2024
Bid 0x084263 45.50Ξ ($138,219) Apr 20, 2024
Offered 54.30Ξ ($190,869) Apr 12, 2024
Offered 96.99Ξ ($206,960) Nov 10, 2023
Offered 79Ξ ($122,549) Oct 13, 2023
Bid Withdrawn 0x1ed829 66.50Ξ ($82,632) Nov 15, 2022
Bid 0x1ed829 66.50Ξ ($82,632) Nov 15, 2022
Bid Withdrawn pjb.eth 61.69Ξ ($187,541) Apr 16, 2022
Sold dinocap.… 0x6b8b76 69Ξ ($209,624) Apr 16, 2022
Bid pjb.eth 61.69Ξ ($186,841) Apr 15, 2022
Offered 69Ξ ($213,325) Apr 14, 2022
Offered 79.99Ξ ($266,499) Mar 31, 2022
Transfer 0x05f3eb dinocap.… Apr 03, 2021
Sold 0xca8fe4 0x05f3eb 20Ξ ($34,181) Mar 27, 2021
Bid 0x05f3eb 20Ξ ($34,181) Mar 27, 2021
Bid Withdrawn Pranksy 13Ξ ($21,783) Mar 27, 2021
Bid Pranksy 13Ξ ($22,041) Mar 27, 2021
Transfer 0x00bd9f 0xca8fe4 Mar 08, 2018
Claimed 0x00bd9f Jun 23, 2017

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