Bills Fan Says Dolphins' Bobby McCain Spit On Him, Also Threatened To Spit On Kid

Samer KalafSamer Kalaf|published: Mon Oct 21 2019 20:41
credits: Wilfredo Lee | source: AP

Defensive back Bobby McCain, like all of his teammates, surely can’t be enjoying playing for the winless Miami Dolphins, but he really needs to take those losses with whatever shreds of dignity are left.

Dylan Wentland, a Bills fan at Sunday’s 31-21 win over Miami, told the that McCain spit on him after the game ended. Wentland said the Dolphins cornerback had also threatened to spit on a 13-year-old Bills fan sitting behind him because while the teams were warming up, the kid had yelled, “You’re irrelevant,” to the opposing team.

“He’s the nicest kid in the world. He’s sat behind us for years with his dad. He was just having a good time,” said Wentland, a 15-year season ticket holder. “I go, ‘Dude, what’s wrong with you? What kind of role model are you for the kid?’ “

Wentland said he didn’t interact with McCain anymore during the game, but when the game ended and players left the field, McCain sought him out.

“I haven’t even said a word to him. He runs right up to me and spits in my face and then runs down the tunnel,” Wentland said. “I mean literally wound up, hocked and just spit right in my face while I’m standing there.”

The boy’s father, Scott Hammond, told the News that McCain had “faked spitting” on the boy “five or six times. He made the noise but nothing came out.” The article also has a video of Wentland calling McCain a “bad role model,” but there’s no spit.

Today Dolphins head coach Brian Flores said the team would discipline McCain “internally,” without specifying the punishment. A portion of Flores’s quote, via the Miami Herald

I heard [McCain’s] side of the story and it’s unfortunate. I feel like he needed to handle that situation better. We’re going to discipline Bobby for that. We’ll handle that discipline internally, but situations like this — we’ve got to handle those situations and I would say, before I say that, we take those very seriously. There’s a standard that we’re trying to set here of professionalism, of the way we go about things.

The Dolphins’ standard of professionalism on the field isn’t that far from this, to be honest.

[ Buffalo News]

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