Chris Mortensen Puts On A Clinic In Wife Appreciation Using The Combined Powers Of His Phone And Laptop

Samer KalafSamer Kalaf|published: Mon Sep 30 2019 21:17
credits: Al Messerschmidt | source: Getty Images

This just in: ESPN reporter Chris Mortensen is smitten ... with his wife!

The NFL insider took a moment from breaking stories Sunday morning to announce that he and his wife Micki were celebrating their 35th anniversary. Ol’ Mort celebrated the occasion with a photo of his wife. It was unclear as to whether that was her “sultry or ‘you’re in trouble’ look,” as he described it, but either way, it got him randy.

I have nothing to add regarding Chris Mortensen’s horniness levels on his wedding anniversary. What I would like to note, however, is that Chris Mortensen opened the photo of his wife on his computer, then used his phone to take a photo of the screen, thereby suggesting that he has an album of hot wife pics on his computer. Honestly, that’s adorable. I, like former head coach Jack Del Rio, am thrilled for the couple:

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