Here Are Some Other Potential Locations For MLB Games

Luis Paez-PumarLuis Paez-Pumar|published: Thu 8th August, 14:07
credits: Jonathan Daniel | source: Getty Images

On Thursday, the Yankees, White Sox, and MLB announced a partnership to play a regular-season game next year at—or, more precisely, near—the iconic Field of Dreams. This follows the recent trend of the league scheduling meaningful games in non-traditional places like Japan, Mexico, and London.

This celebration of the 31-year anniversary of Kevin Costner’s saccharine baseball epic got us thinking about other possible locations around the world that could host an MLB game. Here are some suggestions that would be just as good, if not better, than a cornfield in Iowa:

Eckman Acres from Backyard Baseball

The laundromat on the corner of where the Polo Grounds used to be

The bottom of the Grand Canyon

Midtown Manhattan, but the pitchers and hitters are on rooftops and the fielders are spread out on ground level

The course at St. Andrews, during the British Open

Mackinac Island

The farm upstate where all of your childhood pets went

The field from , with Keanu Reeves as manager of both teams

The National Mall

On the deck of the Freewinds, the Church of Scientology’s old boat headquarters

Massacre Rim, but with no lights

A crowded alleyway, with a mop handle as the bat, glass bottles for bases, and local street toughs providing security

The moon

The exploding oil rig from There Will Be Blood

FIFA’s Switzerland HQ

The desert around the Gates of Hell in Turkmenistan

The actual Gates of Hell

Camden Yards

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