Lucky Bounce Puts Michael Chavis On Base; Unlucky Bounce Gets Him Out At The Plate

Patrick RedfordPatrick Redford|published: Wed 1st May, 16:35
credits: Charles Krupa | source: AP

Red Sox rookie Michael Chavis really went through it in the second inning of Boston’s 7-3 win today over the Oakland A’s. The second baseman knocked a grounder straight up the middle to Chad Pinder that would’ve been an easy double play if it hadn’t bounced off second base and into the outfield. Instead, Rafael Devers moved into scoring position and was eventually brought home for Boston’s opening run.

Chavis worked his way over to third base, and he took off for home when Mike Fiers sailed a pitch over Josh Phegley’s head. In a clear attempt to balance the scales after he reached base on a fluke, the Baseball Gods bounced the ball right back to Phegley, who tagged a surprised Chavis out.

These two teams are no strangers to their games turning on odd bounces; Mookie Betts beat the A’s last month by bouncing a grounder off third base and bringing in two runs with two outs in the ninth inning.

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