adequate-woman - Sports News, Headlines & Highlights

How To Be A Flake And Still Have Friends
One of the greatest things about becoming an adult is realizing that, despite what you’ve been led to believe, most things are bad. Parties, hangouts, “chill seshes”—each one worse than the last and far inferior to sitting on a couch in a cocoon of your own filth. You know that now. And thanks to th...
Don't Ask About My Pubes, And Other Lessons From Two Famous Redheads
In February of 2015, the Concourse published an article about redheads that has had Jezebel’s Ellie Shechet and Madeleine Davies steamed ever since. They’re using Gawker Media’s Senior Week to finally respond....
Smelliest Sports, Ranked
Ask An Adequate Woman is a space where readers can ask the questions they can’t—or maybe just won’t!—pose to their friends about relationships, fashion, family dramas, dating, existential crises, weird sex stuff, and everything else. The Women of Deadspin (and some of our clever friends) are here to...
How Many Coworkers Are You Allowed To Bone?
A version of this blog has sat in my drafts folder since March. It would be nice to say that I didn’t publish it back then because we were “going through a change”—we were, we hired two new writers—and it was maybe not the time to gratuitously throw the word “bone” (the colloquial word for the sex a...
How Should I Handle A Friend's Homophobic Partner?
Ask An Adequate Woman is a space where readers can ask the questions they can’t—or maybe just won’t!—pose to their friends about relationships, fashion, family dramas, dating, existential crises, weird sex stuff, and everything else. The Women of Deadspin (and some of our clever friends) are here to...
How Do I Keep The News Cycle From Bringing Me Down?

How Do I Keep The News Cycle From Bringing Me Down?

Fri Jul 29 2016
When Is It Time To Break Up With Negative Friends?

When Is It Time To Break Up With Negative Friends?

Thu Jun 30 2016
How Do I Tell My Friends I Can't Afford To Hang Out With Them?

How Do I Tell My Friends I Can't Afford To Hang Out With Them?

Thu Jun 09 2016
How To Dump Someone Tactfully, And Make A Clean Break

How To Dump Someone Tactfully, And Make A Clean Break

Fri Apr 29 2016
It's Okay To Have A Crush When You're In A Relationship

It's Okay To Have A Crush When You're In A Relationship

Mon Feb 29 2016
How To Live With Roommates Without Being A Jerk

How To Live With Roommates Without Being A Jerk

Fri Apr 29 2016
How To Find Ethical Porn

How To Find Ethical Porn

Mon Dec 14 2015
How Often Do I Have To Change My Pants?

How Often Do I Have To Change My Pants?

Wed Jun 08 2016
How To Make New Friends As An Adult, And Why

How To Make New Friends As An Adult, And Why

Wed May 11 2016
How To Introduce Your New Significant Other To Your Friends 

How To Introduce Your New Significant Other To Your Friends 

Mon Nov 23 2015
How To Talk To A Grieving Person 

How To Talk To A Grieving Person 

Mon Dec 14 2015
How To Be A Gracious And Fun Wedding Date

How To Be A Gracious And Fun Wedding Date

Thu Oct 01 2015
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