commissioner-for-a-day - Sports News, Headlines & Highlights

Commissioner For A Day: Let's Bring Back NASL-Style Shootouts
The original North American Soccer League was a glorious, goofy experiment in American sports history. It burned white-hot during its brief 17 season existence; mostly thanks to the high-profile singings of legitimate soccer legends like Johan Cruyff, Franz Beckenbauer, George Best, and Pelé, but al...
Commissioner For A Day: Let’s Have More Indirect Free Kicks In The Box
One quirk of soccer is that the rules of the game change when the ball is in the box. Not massively, but in one small and crucial way: Because a foul in the box is punished with a penalty, things that would be fouls anywhere else on the field are occasionally just not called in the box....
Commissioner For A Day: Let's Get Rid Of The Clock In Basketball
Good news everybody: I’ve become the NBA commissioner for a day, and I’m going to abuse my brief, ill-gotten power to take a big sledgehammer to every game clock in every arena in North America. At least for the last three minutes....
Commissioner For A Day: It's Time For A Four-Point Shot In The NBA
It is not a good practice, just as a general rule, to steal Big Ideas from widely maligned and mostly forgotten MTV stunt-programming. But people that play by the general rules or adhere to best practices or “have actual ideas of their own” seldom make history, and I was not going to spend my one hy...
Commissioner For A Day: Let’s Make Kickoffs Worth Something
Dom Cosentino is now the NFL commissioner… in this video we made. Join me and Dom in Commissioner for a Day, the show that gives one Deadspin staffer unlimited power to change one rule in a sport of their choice....
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