deadcast - Sports News, Headlines & Highlights

Let's All Be Really Wrong About The 2018 NFL Season
For all the things that there are to love about the NFL—idiotic and wholly unaccountable leadership, a profoundly malfunctioning moral compass, the new rules that no one even knows how to enforce, the whole Nathan Peterman Thing—the purest pleasure it offers is the chance to be wrong as hell about ...
The Hater's Guide To The College Football Top 25
College football, the looser and more fun but also worse version of football played by younger and less well-compensated people than those in the NFL, is back baby. Or maybe is already back? Anyway the timing is complicated, because while the good stuff gets going this weekend, college football’s la...
Please Don’t FaceTime In Public Like A Complete Asshole<em></em>
You already know the rules of engagement here. If you are out in public, you should not make a show of yourself. You should not run around naked. You should not punch people. You should not watch video on your phone without without headphones. And you should not EVER, under any circumstances, engage...
There's No Bad Idea Like A Sports Bad Idea<em></em>
It is a harsh truth, but an undeniable one: If it weren’t for bad ideas, we would not have anything to talk about on the Deadcast. In point of fact, if it were not for bad ideas the Deadcast itself would not even exist. But while our world is currently much worse off for all the bad ideas that curre...
Why Your Team And Pizza Mogul And Claymation Furniture Pitchman And Tech Mogul Suck
As a great American thinker has honked: We’re back. Drew and I have both returned from our time away from the podcast and pretty well recovered from the indignities that the sun inflicted on our ghastly and rapidly deteriorating indoor bodies during that absence. I am not trying to oversell anything...
Our Night-Blind President

Our Night-Blind President

Thu Aug 02 2018
The Passion Of Dr. Narwhals Mating

The Passion Of Dr. Narwhals Mating

Thu Jul 26 2018
Finally, Here&#39;s The All-Borat Episode<em></em>

Finally, Here's The All-Borat Episode<em></em>

Thu Jul 19 2018
I Still Love You, England<em></em>

I Still Love You, England<em></em>

Fri Jul 13 2018
Let&#39;s Unplug The NBA Offseason And Plug It Back In

Let's Unplug The NBA Offseason And Plug It Back In

Tue Jul 10 2018
Civility Is For Losers

Civility Is For Losers

Thu Jun 28 2018
Let&#39;s Speculate Idly About The NBA Draft

Let's Speculate Idly About The NBA Draft

Thu Jun 21 2018
The Hater&#39;s Guide To The 2018 World Cup

The Hater's Guide To The 2018 World Cup

Thu Jun 14 2018
Just How Extremely Over Are The NBA Finals?

Just How Extremely Over Are The NBA Finals?

Thu Jun 07 2018
The Week That Twitter Wrecked Everyone

The Week That Twitter Wrecked Everyone

Thu May 31 2018
Donald Trump Definitely Needs Glasses

Donald Trump Definitely Needs Glasses

Thu May 24 2018
In The Future, We Will All Gamble Constantly

In The Future, We Will All Gamble Constantly

Thu May 17 2018
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