elder-wisdom - Sports News, Headlines & Highlights

A Good Idea For Multiplayer Video Games
Drew wrote in this week’s Funbag about getting waxed by his own dang kid in FIFA 19. In our staff chatroom, I mentioned that the one time my own young son succeeded in beating me in Street Fighter II on the SNES Classic (after roughly 200 tries), I had to ruthlessly blank him in two straight rematch...
Bring Back Good Fast-Breaks
The Wizards were down by like 32 points last night, and I was watching old NBA highlights, as I, an extremely old person whose brain has been turned into a Slurpee by worms, am wont to do when it probably would be smarter and more productive to do blogs instead. And it occurred to me that a fast-bre...
Do Not Blot Out The Sun
Probably nothing anyone does at this point stands more than a remote chance of averting any but the very most extreme, apocalyptic tolls humanity’s trashing of the planet could inflict on the global ecosystem and human society within the next few decades. The time when people could have addressed th...
I Have The Worst Pet Peeve
Okay. Okay. So. An ugly and kind of dumb but real thing that sometimes happens in the life of a more-or-less normal person is, you had the idea that you and your longtime pal Hubert were meeting up for Special Pal Beers together, like in old times, just the two old pals, but then you find out that y...
A Good Plant: <i>Ilex Opaca</i>, The American Holly
It has been a rough year for my five little holly trees, transplanted last spring from a nursery to the muddy, weedy slope of the western edge of my home property, along the stupidly long driveway. ...
My Enemies In Nature, Ranked

My Enemies In Nature, Ranked

Mon Apr 23 2018
I Can&#39;t Wait To See Tech Dweebs Own Themselves By Wearing These Things On Their Faces

I Can't Wait To See Tech Dweebs Own Themselves By Wearing These Things On Their Faces

Wed Dec 20 2017
Clean Up Now

Clean Up Now

Fri Nov 03 2017
Pickle Some Stuff

Pickle Some Stuff

Fri Oct 27 2017
I Rebuke Your Bullcrap Marshmallow Roasting Tactics In The Strongest Possible Terms

I Rebuke Your Bullcrap Marshmallow Roasting Tactics In The Strongest Possible Terms

Fri Oct 20 2017
There Are Too Many Shows

There Are Too Many Shows

Fri Sep 22 2017
Pfft, &quot;Solar Eclipse,&quot; Big Deal

Pfft, "Solar Eclipse," Big Deal

Mon Aug 21 2017
Things Take Too Long Now

Things Take Too Long Now

Fri Oct 14 2016
You Puny Millennial Weaklings Disgust Me, A Tough, Sinewy Elder

You Puny Millennial Weaklings Disgust Me, A Tough, Sinewy Elder

Tue Aug 16 2016
Counterpoint: Dying Is (Probably) Okay

Counterpoint: Dying Is (Probably) Okay

Thu Aug 11 2016
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