ranty-rants - Sports News, Headlines & Highlights

The Worst People Win Again
All the terrible people are happy today. Robert Kraft is happy, and presumably has a low arm wrapped around an auto show model, because another ring only further burnishes his title of King Of All Owners. Tom Brady is happy because he gets to frame himself as an underdog who overcame impossible odds...
Please Stop Praising The Idiot Football Men For Dressing Poorly In Cold Weather<em></em>
As you might have heard, it’s cold outside in large portions of the country today. It’s so cold that (PSA: there is no punchline forthcoming) the National Weather Service has warned citizens of Chicago that frostbite can set in after just five minutes of exposure to such extreme temperatures. Has th...
The Ballghazi Takes Are Here, And They Are Fucking Insane
You knew they were coming, America. The second the Patriots got busted for doctoring footballs, you knew the TAKENAMI would rush in. And VERILY IT HAS COME TO PASS. Oh, people. Oh, this is my Christmas. These takes are so pure in their stridency, so firm in their conviction that ROGER GOODELL M...
The Internet Has A “Problem” Problem
Hey, you saw "Too Many Cooks," right? That batshit-insane, 11-minute Adult Swim video that lampoons the opening credits of old network sitcoms (or current Disney Channel sitcoms, if you've ever been forced to watch one)? It was funny, right? LOL THE '80S WERE SO DUMB. I know I enjoyed it. ...
Jimbo Fisher Is A Whimpering Penis
Florida State is ranked second overall in the College Football Playoff committee's current rankings, which are determined by a complex mix of computer algorithms and schedule analysis and praying to a magic goldfish for spiritual guidance. And if you're like me, you're hoping that Florida State los...
Fuck You, Bill Belichick

Fuck You, Bill Belichick

Tue Jun 11 2013
Michael Wilbon Is A Gutless, Starfucking Crybaby Troll

Michael Wilbon Is A Gutless, Starfucking Crybaby Troll

Mon Jun 17 2013
The Scab Refs Still Suck, And Roger Goodell Is Still A Hypocritical Shitstain

The Scab Refs Still Suck, And Roger Goodell Is Still A Hypocritical Shitstain

Mon Jun 17 2013
Summer Is The Goddamn Worst

Summer Is The Goddamn Worst

Mon Jun 17 2013
Someone Should Just Blow Up The Orlando Magic At This Point

Someone Should Just Blow Up The Orlando Magic At This Point

Mon Jun 17 2013
Christmas Hype Will Drive Your Children To Insanity

Christmas Hype Will Drive Your Children To Insanity

Mon Jun 17 2013
People Are Getting Dumber By The Day About The Harbaugh-Schwartz Fight

People Are Getting Dumber By The Day About The Harbaugh-Schwartz Fight

Mon Jun 17 2013
Screw You, And Screw Your Man Card

Screw You, And Screw Your Man Card

Mon Jun 17 2013
Gregggggg Easterbrook Is 5,000 Years Old

Gregggggg Easterbrook Is 5,000 Years Old

Mon Jun 17 2013


Mon Jun 17 2013
I’ll Wear Shorts If I Goddamn Want To

I’ll Wear Shorts If I Goddamn Want To

Tue Jun 18 2013
Gregg Easterbrook Puts The Final, Retarded Exclamation Point On Obama&#39;s Bracketology-Gate

Gregg Easterbrook Puts The Final, Retarded Exclamation Point On Obama's Bracketology-Gate

Mon Jun 17 2013
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