vacation - Sports News, Headlines & Highlights

Here Is My Super Cool Plan To Save <i>Kevin Can Wait</i>
According to a report from Jezebel (Gizmodo Media Group’s shark blog), hit CBS sitcom Kevin Can Wait has been canceled after two seasons and 48 laugh-packed episodes. This national travesty happened at some point in the last two weeks, but the loyal fan community of “Waiters” is already clamoring fo...
23 Things I Say To My Kids Every Goddamn Spring Break<em></em>
I am a dad at all times but Spring Break is when I am, without fail, at my MOST dad. It combines all the prime elements of flustered dadding: travel, overpriced food, renting things, lines, dealing with people behind counters, frantic searches for alcohol, and such and such. It’s not so much a vacat...
Vacation Bill Belichick Is Fully Operational
After a Super Bowl loss to Nick Foles, Patriots head coach and History Channel buff Bill Belichick has escaped to an island to unwind with his girlfriend Linda Holliday. That vacay outfit has everything: an “Adapt or Die” shirt with the Gadsden snake, a “VII Rings” visor, and chill beach trunks. Yea...
LeBron James Has Gone Full Vacation Dad
If you’ve ever been on a vacation at a tropical resort, you’ve seen a Vacation Dad. He’s the guy who is sitting alone at the poolside bar, a little buzzed, smoking his annual cigar—he was sent to the bar by his wife who didn’t want him smoking that crap around her—really enjoying the music, and eage...
Surviving The Magical Hell That Is Disney World 
“I feel bad.” ...
How To Survive A Long Car Trip With Your Kids

How To Survive A Long Car Trip With Your Kids

Mon Aug 27 2018
How To Make Your Vacation Rental Feel Like Home

How To Make Your Vacation Rental Feel Like Home

Mon Sep 21 2015
The Lifeless <i>Vacation </i>Reboot Is All Bowels And No Heart 

The Lifeless <i>Vacation </i>Reboot Is All Bowels And No Heart 

Tue Jul 28 2015
How To Go On A Fancy-Ass Cruise Without Going Broke

How To Go On A Fancy-Ass Cruise Without Going Broke

Thu Jul 23 2015
It&#39;s Good To Embarrass Your Kids

It's Good To Embarrass Your Kids

Wed Jul 15 2015
Cleancast: What&#39;s The Worst Thing That Exploded In Your Suitcase?

Cleancast: What's The Worst Thing That Exploded In Your Suitcase?

Mon Jun 01 2015
&quot;School&#39;s Out&quot; Forever: The Secret History Of Alice Cooper&#39;s Classic

"School's Out" Forever: The Secret History Of Alice Cooper's Classic

Fri May 22 2015
How To Take A Vacation Alone 

How To Take A Vacation Alone 

Mon Feb 23 2015
This Game Has Been No <em>Vacation</em> For Arkansas State

This Game Has Been No <em>Vacation</em> For Arkansas State

Sat Sep 06 2014
Eight Reasons Never To Go On Spring Break With Children

Eight Reasons Never To Go On Spring Break With Children

Wed Apr 23 2014
Chris Bosh&#39;s Baby Has A Much Better Life Than You Do

Chris Bosh's Baby Has A Much Better Life Than You Do

Wed Apr 09 2014
Stranded Carnival Cruise Ship&#39;s Toilets Are So Full Of Shit They Are Falling Off The Walls, And Other Gross Details From Someone Aboard

Stranded Carnival Cruise Ship's Toilets Are So Full Of Shit They Are Falling Off The Walls, And Other Gross Details From Someone Aboard

Mon Jun 17 2013
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