Tell Us Your New Year's Resolutions

Jolie KerrJolie Kerr|published: Sat 6th January, 14:05
Photo: VCG via [object Object]

New year, messy new you.

Josh Gondelman ( and Estah!) joined me to kick off the first Cleancast of 2018—my 100th episode!—in style. By “in style,” I mean “in a Sox cap drinking on a Dunkies iced coffee” because it might be freezing, but we’re flinty New Englandahs. I’m so flinty I would routinely submit to being tossed into the Charles as a teenager. PRE-CLEANUP. We talked about all of that, plus going bald, Bill Weld, why dick jokes are great and, oh right, cleaning.

Here’s what I covered in my 100th episode, which was devoted to my listeners’ New Year’s cleaning resolutions:

How to set up a cleaning schedule;

A basic and very easy list of daily and weekly cleaning tasks;

The difference between basic and deep cleaning and some ways you can make time for both without feeling like you’re constantly cleaning;

Some good reasons to become a dedicated bed-maker in the new year;

A crazy-easy hack to ensure your fridge never ends up housing liquified lettuce;

How to wash a wall;

What to do about moldy caulk;

The deal with those carpet cleaners you can rent from the grocery/hardware/home improvement stores;

Laundry tips for athleisure and workout gear, and what to do about a favorite garment that’s become impossibly pit-stained.

Over in the bonus episode, we chatted about surviving the holiday season, Stephen King, not wanting to be the people who get left behind in The Langoliers, movies Josh has seen and enjoyed recently, and the incredibly sad reason why I’ve seen no movie ever.

REMINDER: I’m doing a live show in New York on Jan. 11, and I want you all to come. You can buy tickets here; the ticket price includes complimentary drinks. (There will be mocktails for the Drynuary/healthy living set.) Tickets are almost sold out, so go go go!

You can subscribe to Ask a Clean Person: The Podcast in Acast, Apple Podcasts, PlayerFM, Stitcher and all the other places you’d expect to find podcasts. For bonus episodes and all sorts of other cool rewards, head over to Patreon to help underwrite the show. Got Qs for the pod? Email Jolie with the subject line CLEANCAST.

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