The Deadcast Is Returning<em></em>

Drew MagaryDrew Magary|published: Mon 20th March, 15:56
Illustration: Jim Cooke/Deadspin/GMG

Hey you! Do you like awful takes? Do you like awkward pauses? Do you like hearing two people agree on topics because they didn’t put enough planning into preproduction? Do you like the sounds of dogs barking in the background? Well, do I have good news for you: The Deadcast is BACK. I think. I mean, it could all fall apart at any moment, but for now? BACK.

All we have up now is a weird teaser, which will confuse and anger you …

But starting this week? REAL PODCASTS. So if you have any tips for us, or you just want your stupid question answered by me and Marchman, hustle to [email protected] and harass us. SPORTS LUNACY HAS RETURNED, PEOPLE.

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