This Tigers Fan Caught Five Foul Balls Today

Patrick RedfordPatrick Redford|published: Mon 11th April, 19:45
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The Tigers lost today at home to the Pirates, thanks to Justin Verlander giving up seven runs. Tigers fans didn’t have a whole lot to cheer for today, save for a pair of dingers and this guy, Bill Dugan, who caught five foul balls. He even made an off-the-wall catch in the second inning.

Dugan did an interview with ESPN after the game, which showed that he sat at the top of a section near the first baseline dugout, an area that definitely gets a healthy amount of foul balls.

Someone from the Detroit Free Press was on their way to interview him about his first three catches when he made his fourth. According to Dugan, his five foul balls today doesn’t touch his all-time record, but only if you include batting practice:

“My record’s eight — four during a game and four during batting practice,” he said, during the fifth inning. “So I tied my record during a game just now.”

Minutes later, Dugan had set a new record for himself.

Naturally, he gave them all away to kids. Good fan.

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