Lost & Found

Find out what to do if you’ve lost or found an item on campus grounds.

Lost items

Looking for a lost item? Call our Visitor Services Office at 360-902-8880. Please be ready to describe the item in detail.  

Lost items from the John A. Cherberg Building, John L. O’Brien Building, Legislative Building, and campus grounds are sent to Visitor Services. If you lost an item in a different building on campus, please contact the building tenant you were visiting directly for help.

Where to retrieve lost items

Some offices on campus may hold the item for a few days for the owner to collect it from where it was lost. If no one shows up to claim it, the item is sent to our Visitor Services Office in the Legislative Building. 

Larger items, including items found within campus parks, may not be stored onsite. Please call us to arrange a pickup time. 

How long we keep items

Lost items are kept for at least one month before they are donated or destroyed.  

Found items

If you've found an item on Capitol Campus grounds, please turn it in to the Visitor Services Office during regular business hours at:

Washington State Legislative Building
Visitor Services
First Floor, Room 111
416 Sid Snyder Ave. SW
Olympia, WA 98504

Contact us

Visitor Services: 360-902-8880