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Start building quickly with documentation that makes integration and scalability seamless. With step-by-step instructions on implementing across Ticketmaster APIs and SDKs, get the documentation you need here.

Get Your API Key


To get the most out of your experience, register for an API or log in to your account now. We’ll render links in examples and code samples into active link using your own API Key. If you prefer to jump right into the APIs and make live calls, check out the API Explorer.

We currently offer event discovery APIs with various access tiers. Upon registration and obtaining your API key, you will be able to access our Discovery APIs instantly. Using these APIs allows you to create a meaningful event discovery experience for your fans.

Note: The International Discovery API is currently being consolidated with the Discovery API, therefore we recommend that developers plan to use this single service for access to global events.

Our APIs work against many platforms including Ticketmaster, TicketWeb, Universe, FrontGate, Ticketmaster Resale (TMR) and many more.

Event coverage is global.

Use Cases

Here’s a few examples of common use cases that most developers build apps against:

API Use Case
Discovery API Searching events by keyword in a certain location (lat/long).
Discovery API Getting events for a particular artist OR venue in a specific country/city/zip code/DMA/etc.
Discovery API Getting hi-res images for a particular event or artist.
Discovery API Search events of a certain genre in a particular location for a certain promoter.
Partner API Transact against offers for a particular event (partners-only).
Inventory Status API Provides event status for primary Ticketmaster inventory with inventory.

Data Model

The Ticketmaster Data Model

URI Format

All API calls follow this format:{package}/{version}/{resource}.json?apikey=**{API key}

Name Description Required? Default Value
package A bucket that provides access to logically-related resources Yes discovery, accounts, etc
version The package version Yes v1, v2, v3, etc
resource Path to API method Yes Varies per API call
API key Authorized API Key Yes Get your API key

URI Examples

Rate Limit

All API keys are issued with a default quota of 5000 API calls per day and rate limitation of 5 requests per second. We do increase rate limits on case-by-case basis. In order to increase the rate limit for a particular application, we need to verify the following:

  1. The application is in compliance with our Terms of Service
  2. The application is in compliance with our branding guide
  3. The application is representing the Ticketmaster data properly

Once these three criteria are verified, the rate limit is increased to what Ticketmaster and the developer determine to be appropriate.

Rate Limit Info in Response Header

You can see how much of your quota has been used by checking the following response headers:

  • Rate-Limit: What’s the rate limit available to you. The default is 5000.
  • Rate-Limit-Available: How many requests are available to you. This will be 5000 minus all the requests you’ve done.
  • Rate-Limit-Over: How many requests over your quota you’ve made.
  • Rate-Limit-Reset: The UTC date and time of when your quota will be reset.
curl -I ''

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Rate-Limit: 5000
Rate-Limit-Available: 4978
Rate-Limit-Over: 0
Rate-Limit-Reset: 1453180594367

API Response When Quota is Reached

When you do go over your quota, you will get an HTTP status code 429 indicating you’ve made too many requests. The following is the API response you will receive:

"fault": {
"faultstring": "Rate limit quota violation. Quota limit exceeded. Identifier : {apikey}",
"detail": {
"errorcode": "policies.ratelimit.QuotaViolation"

CORS Support

The API also supports Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) which allows cross-domain requests to be made by JavaScript on a web page. Such “cross-domain” requests would otherwise be forbidden by web browsers, per the same origin security policy. CORS is supported by all modern web browsers, and a full list of browser support can be found here.

Available Resources