App Review - Best Practices

Important Things to Know

We will test your app so be sure that we can access it. We will follow your screen recordings when testing your app, so make sure they demonstrate actions that require the permissions and features you are requesting. Any requested permission or feature missing a screen recording will not be approved.

Before You Submit

Before you begin the App Review submission process, make sure to complete each of the steps outlined below. This will improve the quality of your submission and reduce the chances of it being rejected.


  • Make sure you have completed app development and that it is ready for us to test. Making changes to your app's basic or advanced settings after you have submitted may require re-review.

  • Make sure we can access your app or website. Your app must be publicly available or you must provide instructions on how to access it.

  • Upload a 1024x1024 compliant app icon image to Settings > Basic > App Icon.

  • Make at least 1 successful API call using each permission for which you are requesting advanced access. Calls must be made within 30 days of submitting for App Review and can be made using your app or the Graph API Explorer tool.

  • If you want us to test your account using a specific test user, gather their credentials.

  • Read our Platform Terms and Developer Policies to ensure your app adheres to our terms and policies.

  • Read the Allowed Usage section in the reference for each permission and feature that you will be requesting in your submission. If your app does not satisfy the allowed usage for a permission or feature, your app will not be approved for that permission or feature.

Screen Recordings

  • To ensure that your screencast is accessible to all our reviewers, please follow these guidelines:
    • Use English as the app UI language – If possible, please set the app UI language to English before recording the screencast. This will make it easier for the review team to understand the content of your app.
    • Provide captions and tool-tips – If your app is not available in English, or if there are any parts of the app that are not self-explanatory, please provide captions and tool-tips to explain what is happening on screen. This will help the review team understand what you are showcasing and how the app works.
    • Explain the meaning of buttons and other UI elements – Please take the time to explain the meaning of any buttons or other UI elements that are not immediately obvious. This will help the review team understand how to use your app and what each button does.

  • Read our screen recordings guide. Make sure to record in high-resolution, 1080 or better, and that your screen recordings show an app user granting your app each permission your app requires, and that it shows how your app uses each granted permission and feature that you will be requesting in your submission.

  • Make sure your app's name and icon meet our trademark and logo requirements.

  • Read our FAQs regarding policy violations and the App Review process.

  • Read our Common Mistakes guide to avoid common mistakes found in first-time submissions.

  • If you have access to dedicated screen recording software such as Camtasia or Snagit, we recommend that you use it. Most dedicated screen recording software offer free trial versions and provide tools so you can polish your screen recording.

  • IIf you don't have access to dedicated screen recording software, you can easily use free alternatives, such as Quicktime or OBS. These apps don't offer any way for you to annotate, zoom, or edit your recorded video, but you can easily add the recorded video to a free video editor such as iMovie and perform those actions there.

  • Record only what we need to see. Make your app full screen or just record the window itself.

  • Decrease your monitor's resolution to a width of 1440 or less.

  • When possible, use your mouse to interact with your app instead of your keyboard. If we can't see what you're doing, we can't test it!

  • Increase your mouse's cursor size. Most dedicated screen recording software will allow you to do this, even after you have recorded. Alternatively, you can increase your cursor's size in your computer's settings.

  • Omit audio; our reviewers will not listen to it.

We will use your recordings as guides when testing your app to verify that it actually uses all of the permissions and features you are requesting. Recordings do not need to explain why your app needs each of them, the App Review submission form will ask for this information.