
art direction. web + mobile ui/ux. print + packaging. email + social media design. illustration. || b2c. || 2022.

The Wooden Wick Company was a maker's marketplace in need of a facelift to showcase their expansion into other DIY categories and their new name, Makesy. Over six months, I acted as Art Director and worked closely with the founders and Creative Director to set the standards for the future of the company.

see the live site >>
play in the figma >>

Redesigning the company from the ground up was a daunting task. Over the pandemic, TWWC had skyrocketed in popularity and sales, thanks in no small part to the strong community they had worked so hard to foster. We knew we had to keep that same friendly, helpful, and fun atmosphere that brought in new customers and kept them coming back again and again.

While the founders and Creative Director, Jaki Capozzoli, steered the team, I spent the better part of those months deep in the weeds creating everything from the logo down to the custom iconography. Most importantly, I created detailed guidelines so that the rest of the team had everything they needed.

Once the branding was in place, I then got to work on the website. With there already being hundreds of SKUs and a complicated web of user journeys, I designed the site with scaleability in mind.

While the development team got to work on rebuilding the entire site, I shifted my focus to setting standards for the other digital touch-points that current and potential customers would have with the brand. Across email and social media, it was important to make sure that everywhere we were found, we always had the Makesy aesthetic.

Of course, we didn’t forget about the physical products! That same fun energy was brought into everything beyond the digital space– even unboxing supplies is a joy and that creative spark to get makers started.