Wikinews:Briefs/February 12, 2015

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Wikinews Audio Briefs
Thursday, February 12, 2015
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Today on Wikinews: We briefly recap some of the stories appearing on Wikinews last week and from around the world.

Today is Thursday, February twelfth — twenty fifteen. I am ... and this is Wikinews.



This week we learned that a military helicopter crashed around seven forty-three p.m. local time Wednesday in Jammu and Kashmir. Two people died, both believed to be the pilots but the bodies were too burned to be immediately identified. The helicopter caught fire after it went down in a forest in Bandipora.

Divers recovered seven bodies Friday and Saturday from the Java Sea, where Indonesian AirAsia Flight 8501 crashed December twenty-eighth. One of the bodies, presumed to be one of the two pilots, was a uniformed man strapped into a cockpit seat. National Search and Rescue Agency has more than sixty divers searching for bodies in the water near Indonesia. Sixty-two passengers remain unaccounted for.

after a plane crash in Taipei, Taiwan on Wednesday the death toll has now reached forty . Fifteen passengers survived and three more are still missing. The flight had left Taipei Songshan Airport and was headed to Kinmen (Kin’mun) island. The TransAsia Airways Flight 2-3-5 was in the air only momentarily before hitting an elevated road.

A fire destroyed a Chinese market and killed seventeen Thursday afternoon in Huizhou, Guangdong. Police believe the fire was caused by a nine-year old child playing with matches.Three-hundred people had to evacuate and firefighters had to rescue the child from the fourth floor. It took firefighters almost a day to fully extinguish the fire.

At least four are dead and four more are critically injured, after a dump truck hit multiple vehicles and two pedestrians. The incident occurred in Bath, South West England on Monday. The four people died at the scene of the crash, three more were injured and were taken to the hospital. One more was critically injured and transported by air ambulance.

Three masked assailants robbed a car stereo and alarm business in Houston, Texas, last Tuesday, shooting two men in the process. 65-year-old Abdullah Shakur died from his gunshot wound at a local hospital, while Samer Salam, 32, remained in critical condition. No suspects have been named in the case and it remains unclear if the suspects left with any property.

Thirty-eight year old Niki Quasney died of ovarian cancer on Thursday. She and her wife, Amy Sandler, were the first gay couple married in Indiana. The couple married after Quasney found out she had cancer so Amy and their daughters would receive assistance and recognition after her death.

Several dozen members of the football club at the University of Stirling donned blackface at a social event. Officials said the University has a zero-tolerance policy on racism and is disappointed in the boys who are tarnishing the reputation. Word of them arriving with their faces still painted at a local bar was leaked later that evening. The university has taken action, so far, by suspending four of its football teams from any football-related events. Investigation of the event still continues.

Outro (4:15)


And those are the headlines from Wikinews.


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