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* the worldwide [[Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions]] (BDS) campaign led by Palestinian civil society against the State of Israel.
*The global [[fossil fuel divestment]] movement, described by [[Desmond Tutu]] as an "apartheid-style boycott to save the planet",<ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=We need an apartheid-style boycott to save the planet|last=Tutu|first=Desmond|date=2014-04-10|work=The Guardian|access-date=2019-06-05|language=en-GB|issn=0261-3077}}</ref> and considered to be the biggest boycott-style campaign in history.<ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=Fossil fuel divestment: a brief history|last=Vaughan|first=Adam|date=2014-10-08|work=The Guardian|access-date=2019-06-05|language=en-GB|issn=0261-3077}}</ref>
*Redundant boycotts along more than one century against Catalan products by [[Spanish nationalism]]. Over the years, political/economic claims and [[Self-governance|self-government]] milestones, sometimes misrepresented as a secessionist revolt, have often been met with a call for a commercial boycott against Catalonia.<ref name=":77">{{Cite web |last=Bosch Cuenca |first=Pere |title=L'amenaça permanent dels boicots |url= |access-date=December 22, 2014 |website=El Punt Avui}}</ref> This is the case of the creation of the Unió regionalista, the creation of [[Catalan Solidarity (1906)|Solidaritat catalana]], the [[¡Cu-Cut! incident|''¡Cu-Cut!'' incident]],<ref>La Correspondencia militar. «De política. El españolismo ''y'' el catalanismo». 4/12/1905, n.º 8.508. Pàg. 3</ref> the [[Tragic Week (Spain)|Tragic Week]] (which is advertised as separatist so that it does not spread to other Spanish towns),<ref name=":76">Fernández-Cordero Azorín, Concepción. [ La crisis de 1917. Actitud de la prensa española ante la adjudicación a D. Juan de la Cierva de la cartera de Guerra]. ''Anales de la Universidad de Alicante: Historia contemporánea''. DC Heath & Compañia, 1983. p. 183-224.</ref><ref name=":39">{{Cite book |last=Farrés |first=Andreu |title=Roses de foc de Barcelona |publisher=Edicions 62 |isbn=97884294809259788429780925 |language=catalan}}</ref><ref name=":77" /> creation of the [[Commonwealth of Catalonia]] in 1914,<ref>Marimon, Sílvia «El primer intent d'estructura d'estat». ''[[Diari Ara]]'', 18-12-2013</ref> the participation of Catalan volunteers in the [[World War I|First World War]] and claim of the [[Wilson Doctrine|Wilson doctrine]] for Catalonia,<ref>Giovanni E. Cattini. Joaquim de Camps I Arboix. Un intel·lectual en temps convulsos. Fundació Josep Irla. Barcelona. 2015., p.27</ref> the creation and campaign of the [[Regionalist League of Catalonia]], in 1918,<ref>Smith, Angel. La Agonía del liberalismo español. La Lliga Regionalista, la derecha catalana y el nacimiento de la dictadura de Primo de Rivera (1916–1923), 2014, 141–170</ref><ref>{{Cite web |last=Casals |first=Xavier |date=2019-07-14 |title=Un segle de llaços, ultres i 'indepes' (1919–2019) |url= |access-date=July 14, 2019 |website=El Periódico}}</ref> autonomy through the [[Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia of 1932|Statute of Núria]],<ref>Casassas Ymbert, Jordi. El catalanismo durante la Segunda República (1931–1939). ''Bulletin d’Histoire Contemporaine de l’Espagne'', 2017, 51: 119–133</ref> the [[Events of 6 October]],<ref>{{Cite web |last=Fernández |first=David |title=Ai las |url= |access-date=January 30, 2020 |website=La Directa|date=30 January 2020 }}</ref> or, more recently, the [[Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia of 2006|Statute of Miravet]].<ref>Juliana, Enric. España en el diván. RBA Libros, 2014. [[Especial:Fonts bibliogràfiques/9788490562277|ISBN 9788490562277]]</ref><ref>Klaus-Jürgen Nagel, amb una aportació de Marició Janué i Miret . Catalunya explicada als alemanys. Les claus per entendre una nació sense estat de l'Europa actual. Cossetània Edicions, 2007. [[Especial:Fonts bibliogràfiques/9788497912945|ISBN 9788497912945]]</ref><ref>{{cite web |author=John Tagliabue |date=13 March 2006 |work=The New York Times |title=A War of Words Over Catalonia Sets Off a War of Wine |url=}}<!-- auto-translated from Catalon by Module:CS1 translator --></ref> More recently there have been other boycotts related to the expansion of [[Catalan independence movement|Catalan sovereignty]].<ref>{{cite web |access-date=29 September 2015 |date=7 December 2013 |title=¿Tiene sentido el boicot a los productos catalanes? |url= |work=El Confidencial Digital}}<!-- auto-translated from Catalon by Module:CS1 translator --></ref>
During the [[1973 oil crisis]], the [[Arab world|Arab countries]] enacted a [[crude oil]] [[Oil embargo|embargo]] against the West. Other examples include the [[1980 Summer Olympics boycott|US-led boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow]], the [[1984 Summer Olympics boycott|Soviet-led boycott of the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles]], and the movement that advocated "[[disinvestment]]" in [[South Africa]] during the 1980s in opposition to that country's [[apartheid]] regime. The first Olympic boycott was in the [[1956 Summer Olympics]] with several countries boycotting the games for different reasons. Iran also has an informal Olympic boycott against participating against Israel, whereby Iranian athletes typically bow out or claim injuries when pitted against Israelis (see [[Arash Miresmaeili]]).