Eurasian Economic Community: Difference between revisions

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=== The dissolution of the CEC into the EurAsEC ===
In 2004, [[Russia]] joined the [[Central Asian Economic Community]] (ECSC) in order to strengthen its presence in [[Central Asia]]. Soon after, Moscow expressed its desire to dissolve the ECSC in the EurAsEC . In late 2005, [[Uzbekistan]] argued for its accession to the EurAsEC, which led other members of the ECSC to negotiate and eventually merge the two organizations . This merge was effective on January 25, 2006. Most of the functions of the [[Central Asian Economic Community]] were transferred to the EurasecEurAsEC since 2006.<ref name="About EurAsEC"/><ref name="History of the EurAsEC"/>
However the status of current observers of the ECSC that are not observers of EurasecEurAsEC is not yet settled (including Georgia and Turkey, the latter activist which is also for accession to the European Union) .
Members wanted the EurAsEC to become a viable economic bloc between the powerful EU in the West, and the growing economies in the east, which established the [[ASEAN]]).