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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Arnela Šabanović: Between sports and education

I realized that as an educator, I could make a long-term impact on my community because education is a lifelong commitment, unlike the sport field

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Short bio

I am 33 years old and a professor with a master's in mathematics and computer science. I have seven years of experience teaching children, youth, and adults. In addition to my regular work at the school, I am actively involved in adult education, especially in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT). My experience includes organizing and leading education sessions that help adults improve their digital skills and adapt to modern technologies.

My story


Since my early childhood, I was inspired by Isaac Newton's thought, "I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself, I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, while the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me." This thought became my compass, guiding me through life and providing me with the motivation to explore, learn, and never stop searching for new knowledge. This thought was incredibly influential at a crucial crossroads in my life. 

As an active athlete, goalkeeper, and Bosnia and Herzegovina national team member, I had a strong passion for sports. However, I also profoundly desired education, science, research, and the opportunity to make a difference as an educator. 

I was faced with a significant decision: should I dedicate myself entirely to my sports career or pursue education and become a teacher? I realized that as an educator, I could make a long-term impact on my community because education is a lifelong commitment, unlike the limited timeframe of a sports career. Even though football was my initial passion, I chose to follow the path of science and education for children, young people, and adults, believing that I could provide knowledge and inspiration throughout my life.


Through the research on the IT literacy of teachers in the Central Bosnian Canton for my master's thesis, I identified a strong need for professional training and digital technologies. The research revealed inadequate information literacy among teachers, inspiring me to focus on improving teacher education and promoting ICT in schools.

This need was especially apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic when digital literacy became essential for the continuation of education and for maintaining communication among students, teachers, and parents. I believe adult education doesn't have to be formal or categorized; it can be integrated into everyday interactions with people around us, such as friends, family members, strangers, and colleagues. My initial involvement in adult education began with my family. I provided my parents with the knowledge and skills to use digital tools, allowing them to connect with family and friends in new ways. This experience helped me understand the transformative potential of adult education.


When my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, I searched for ways to help her connect with people going through a similar experience. I introduced her to virtual communities of women with breast cancer. My mother could communicate with other women through these communities, share experiences, and get support. She researched information related to her illness and found relevant data herself. These communities provided tremendous emotional support and practical advice. By sharing experiences, my mother gained a greater understanding and acceptance of her situation, significantly contributing to her psychological well-being. Supporting my mother made me realize the importance of adult education and how a small gesture of attention or guidance can mean a lot to others. I directed my mother to resources that helped her better understand and cope with her illness. 

This experience taught me that in adult education, it is not enough to simply provide information; it is also necessary to guide, motivate, and support individuals in using this information effectively. 

In this way, adult education can genuinely empower individuals and contribute to developing a more cohesive and inclusive society. Regardless of the challenges and barriers, learning remains the key to endless opportunities; as it has been wisely said, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

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