Environmental Studies integrates knowledge from the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities to analyze the complex interactions between humans and the environment, with the aim of providing students with the scholarly background and practical skills needed to address pressing environmental challenges.

Students have the opportunity to explore a wide variety of environmental issues, including air/water pollution, animal rights, climate change, coastal processes, ecosystem restoration, endangered species, environmental ethics, environmental film and literature, environmental justice, environmental law, policy and politics, groundwater management, marine and terrestrial food systems, renewable energy, toxicology, forest management, traditional environmental knowledge, waste management, and urban and regional planning, just to name a few. However, students are also challenged to acquire in-depth expertise in specific topics of their choosing. Finally, students acquire hands-on skills through courses in critical thinking, environmental careers, environmental impact analysis, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), leadership, public speaking, professional writing, and research methods.

Throughout their training, students interact with the core faculty in Environmental Studies, faculty from the diversity of environmentally-related departments and disciplines throughout UC Santa Barbara, as well as practicing environmental professionals from the local community.

Here are some dedicated resources to help one learn more about majoring in Environmental Studies:
• General Info Packet about Environmental Studies at UC Santa Barbara (.pdf)
• Learn more about the B.A. vs B.S. degrees in Environmental Studies (.pdf)
• Watch recording of latest ES Major Information Session (video)
• ES Freshman Tool Kit video - tips on registration, scheduling, progress check, advising  (.pdf of slides)
• Watch the documentary: Building a Movement: 50 Years of Environmental Studies at UCSB (27 minute video)

Bren Building

Degrees Offered

Bachelor of arts (B.A.) and bachelor of science (B.S.) in Environmental Studies and Bachelor of science (B.S.) in Hydrologic Sciences and Policy.

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declare major

Declaring the Major

To officially declare one of the three undergraduate majors within the Environmental Studied Program a student must complete some steps 

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Come talk about major requirements, course selection, internship opportunities, career data, graduate school opportunities, etc. 

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Environmental Studies offers a wide variety of courses covering a diverse field of disciplines and topics! 

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