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This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website

European Peace Facility (2021–2027)



Decision (CFSP) 2021/509 establishing a European Peace Facility


  • The decision sets up a European Peace Facility (EPF) that allows European Union (EU) Member States to finance EU measures supporting non-EU partner countries to preserve peace, prevent conflicts and strengthen international security under the common foreign and security policy (CFSP) and in accordance with point (c) of Article 21(2) of the Treaty on European Union.
  • The EPF finances the cost of EU initiatives with military or defence implications that cannot be financed by the EU budget.
  • The EPF replaces and expands on the previous financial instruments in this area, namely the Athena Mechanism and the African Peace Facility.
  • The EPF can finance:


Objectives of the assistance measures

The main objectives of the measures are the provision of financial, technical or material assistance to:

  • strengthen the military and defence capacities and resilience of non-EU partner countries and regional and international organisations;
  • support the military aspects of peace support operations led by regional or international organisations or partner countries;
  • contribute rapidly and effectively to the military responses of partner countries and regional and international organisations in crisis situations;
  • contribute effectively and efficiently to conflict prevention, stabilisation and peace consolidation, including by carrying out training, advising and mentoring tasks in the security sector and in other pre-conflict or post-conflict situations;
  • support cooperation on security and defence between the EU and individual non-EU countries or regional or international organisations.

Assistance measures must:

The Council of the European Union may approve urgent measures that are awaiting a decision on whether they will be funded under the EPF.

Organisation and management

The Council and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy ensure consistency between measures financed under the EPF and other initiatives in the CFSP area. They are supported by the European External Action Service, which is assisted by the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments of the European Commission.

The organisation of the EPF is as follows.

  • The EPF is managed by the Facility Committee, with representatives from every Member State, backed up by administrative and accounting staff. The chair of the committee must be a representative of the Member State holding the presidency of the Council of the European Union.
  • The committee includes:
    • an administrator for operations;
    • the operational commanders of each operation and mission;
    • an administrator for assistance measures.
  • The Council takes political decisions, such as where assistance should be allocated, based on proposals from the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

Monitoring and compliance

EPF proposals include a conflict sensitivity and context analysis, a risk and impact assessment and appropriate safeguards, controls, mitigating and flanking (complementary) elements and arrangements for monitoring and evaluation. These aim to ensure:

  • the proper and efficient use of assets, for the purposes for which they have been provided;
  • sufficient maintenance of the assets, to ensure usability and operational availability over their life cycles;
  • that the assets will not be lost or transferred without the consent of the committee to people or entities other than those identified in the arrangements at the end of their life cycles or at the expiry or termination of the assistance measure;
  • compliance with any other requirements established by the Council.


The EPF has a financial ceiling of €17,040,000,000 for the 2021–2027 multiannual financial framework period. This is the maximum amount that the Member States can decide to allocate. The EPF is financed outside of the EU general budget. From 18 March 2024, an amount of €5,000,000,000 in current prices is to be dedicated to providing additional support to Ukraine.

Assistance measures

A variety of assistance measures in the forms of military training and building capacity have been approved under the EPF for partners as wide-ranging as the African Union, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Jordan, Mali, Moldova, Mozambique and Niger.

In June 2022, Decision (CFSP) 2022/906 was adopted to strengthen the capacities of the Balkan Medical Task Force, a regional initiative bringing together six western Balkan countries with the aim of providing a quick and effective response to disaster-struck countries or regions by using the existing military medical capacities of participating nations.

In July 2022, Decision (CFSP) 2022/1093 was adopted with the aim of further supporting Moldova’s army, and enhancing national security, stability and resilience in the defence sector. Building on previous support provided by the EPF, this assistance measure allows the armed forces of Moldova (which has since been granted EU candidate status) to enhance their operational effectiveness and interoperability while participating in EU military common security and defence policy missions, thereby providing better protection to civilians in crises and emergencies.

In February 2023, Decision (CFSP) 2023/231 was adopted to support the Ukrainian Armed Forces trained by the EU Military Assistance Mission (EUMAM) in support of Ukraine. It was amended by Decision (CFSP) 2023/2677, raising the financial reference amount for the measure from €45 million to €55 million and extending the duration of Decision (CFSP) 2023/231 to 60 months.

Adoption of urgent measures following Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine

  • Further to an urgent request for assistance from the Ukrainian government on 25 February 2022, the Council adopted two decisions regarding assistance measures under the EPF. Applying with immediate effect from 28 February 2022, they aim to help strengthen the capabilities and resilience of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to defend their country and protect the civilian population against the ongoing military aggression (see summary).
    • Decision (CFSP) 2022/338 relates to the supply of military equipment and related platforms designed to deliver lethal force.
    • Decision (CFSP) 2022/339 relates to the supply of equipment and supplies not designed to deliver lethal force, such as personal protective equipment, first aid kits and fuel.
  • In May 2023, the Council adopted Decision (CFSP) 2023/927, providing €1 billion of support under the EPF for ammunition for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
  • The agreed measures will be implemented by Member States’ defence ministries and/or armed forces. Member States have agreed to permit the transit of military equipment, including accompanying personnel, through their territories, including their airspace.


The decision repeals and replaces Decision (CFSP) 2015/528.


It has applied since 22 March 2021.


For further information, see:


Council Decision (CFSP) 2021/509 of 22 March 2021 establishing a European Peace Facility, and repealing Decision (CFSP) 2015/528 (OJ L 102, 24.3.2021, pp. 14–62).

Successive amendments to Council Decision (CFSP) 2021/509 have been incorporated into the original document. This consolidated version is of documentary value only.

Council Decision (CFSP) 2024/890 of 18 March 2024 amending Decision (CFSP) 2021/509 establishing a European Peace Facility (OJ L, 2024/890, 19.3.2024).


Council Decision (CFSP) 2023/231 of 2 February 2023 on an assistance measure under the European Peace Facility to support the Ukrainian Armed Forces trained by the European Union Military Assistance Mission in support of Ukraine (OJ L 32, 3.2.2023, pp. 64–67).

See consolidated version.

Council Decision (CFSP) 2023/384 of 20 February 2023 on an assistance measure under the European Peace Facility to support the Jordanian Armed Forces (OJ L 53, 21.2.2023, pp. 10–13).

Council Decision (CFSP) 2023/927 of 5 May 2023 on an assistance measure under the European Peace Facility to support the Ukrainian Armed Forces through the provision of ammunition (OJ L 123, 8.5.2023, pp. 27–31).

Council Decision (CFSP) 2022/338 of 28 February 2022 on an assistance measure under the European Peace Facility for the supply to the Ukrainian Armed Forces of military equipment, and platforms, designed to deliver lethal force (OJ L 60, 28.2.2022, pp. 1–4).

See consolidated version.

Council Decision (CFSP) 2022/339 of 28 February 2022 on an assistance measure under the European Peace Facility to support the Ukrainian Armed Forces (OJ L 61, 28.2.2022, pp. 1–4).

See consolidated version.

Council Decision (CFSP) 2022/906 of 9 June 2022 on an assistance measure under the European Peace Facility to strengthen the capacities of the Balkan Medical Task Force (OJ L 157, 10.6.2022, pp. 9–12).

Consolidated version of the Treaty on European Union – Title V – General provisions on the Union’s external action and specific provisions on the common foreign and security policy – Chapter I – General provisions on the Union’s external action – Article 21 (OJ C 202, 7.6.2016, pp. 28–29).

Consolidated version of the Treaty on European Union – Title V – General provisions on the Union’s external action and specific provisions on the common foreign and security policy – Chapter 2 – Specific provisions on the common foreign and security policy – Section 1 – Common provisions – Article 41 (ex Article 28 TEU) (OJ C 202, 7.6.2016, pp. 37–38).

Consolidated version of the Treaty on European Union – Title V – General provisions on the Union’s external action and specific provisions on the common foreign and security policy – Chapter 2 – Specific provisions on the common foreign and security policy – Section 2 – Provisions on the common security and defence policy – Article 42 (ex Article 17 TEU) (OJ C 202, 7.6.2016, pp. 38–39).

Consolidated version of the Treaty on European Union – Title V – General provisions on the Union’s external action and specific provisions on the common foreign and security policy – Chapter 2 – Specific provisions on the common foreign and security policy – Section 2 – Provisions on the common security and defence policy – Article 43 (OJ C 202, 7.6.2016, p. 39).

Shared Vision, Common Action – A stronger Europe – A global strategy for the European Union’s foreign and security policy, 28 June 2016.

Council Common Position 2008/944/CFSP of 8 December 2008 defining common rules governing control of exports of military technology and equipment (OJ L 335, 13.12.2008, pp. 99–103).

See consolidated version.

last update 15.06.2024
