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Dendi Güiquipeya
(Rederigíu dendi Güiquipedia:Embahá)

La Embajada existe para permitir la comunicación entre wikipedias en varios idiomas. En Meta podrás encontrar una Lista con todas las embajadas.

The Embassy exists to support communication among Wikipedias in various languages. On the Meta-Wikipedia you can find a List of all Wikipedia embassies.

¿Quién me puede ayudar? - Who can help me?

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Aquí los visitantes pueden preguntar a los usuarios listados abajo en su propia lengua:

Here, visitors can ask one of the users below for help directly in their own language:

English (en)

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Español (es)

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Française (fr)

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Català (ca)

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The most often used MediaWiki messages

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Hoi, the most often used MediaWiki messages (less than 25% of all MediaWiki messages) are the most visible messages. They help our readers and editors the most. We are aiming to get these messages localised for as many languages as possible by the end of the year. Please help us and yourself and localise these messages. Thanks, GerardM 13:04, 17 Noviembri 2008 (UTC)

The LocalisationUpdate extension has gone live

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The LocalisationUpdate extension is now enabled for all Wikimedia projects. From now on new localisations that become available in SVN will become available to your project within 24 hours. Your localisations get into SVN from typically within a day and at worst in two days. This is a huge improvement from the old practice where the localisations became available with new software. This could take weeks, even months.

The localisations done by our community at are committed to SVN typically every day. When the system messages in English are the same as the local messages, they will now be inserted in a file and are available for use in all our projects in a timely manner

What this means for you

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Local messages have an impact on the performance of our system. It is best when messages are as much as possible part of the system messages. In order to remove unnecessary duplication, all the messages that have a local localisation and are exactly the same as the system message will be removed. What we ask you to do is to compare and proof read the messages in and the local messages. You can then either remove local messages when the message is to be preferred or, you can update the message at

Messages that are specific to your project will have to stay as they are. You do want to check if the format and the variables of the message are still the same.

Why localise at

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When you localise at, your messages will be used in all Wikimedia projects and eventually in all MediaWiki based projects. This is how we provide the standard support for your language. When messages change, at you will be prompted to revisit your translations. Localising is more efficient because we have innovated the process to make you more efficient; there is text explaining about messages and we have applied AJAX technology to reduce the number of clicks you have to make. update

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  • Currently 67.65% of the MediaWiki messages and 1.29% of the messages of the extensions used by the Wikimedia Foundation projects have been localised. Please help us help your language by localising and proof reading at This is the recent localisation activity for your language. Thanks, GerardM 18:43, 28 Setiembri 2009 (UTC)
  • Currently 68.35% of the MediaWiki messages and 1.23% of the messages of the extensions used by the Wikimedia Foundation projects have been localised. Please help us help your language by localising and proof reading at This is the recent localisation activity for your language. Thanks, GerardM 10:55, 1 Noviembri 2009 (UTC)
  • Currently 77.18% of the MediaWiki messages and 3.44% of the messages of the extensions used by the Wikimedia Foundation projects have been localised. Please help us help your language by localising and proof reading at This is the recent localisation activity for your language. Thanks, GerardM 12:40, 7 Diciembri 2009 (UTC)
  • Currently 77.59% of the MediaWiki messages and 3.41% of the messages of the extensions used by the Wikimedia Foundation projects have been localised. Please help us help your language by localising and proof reading at This is the recent localisation activity for your language. Thanks, GerardM 15:13, 4 Eneru 2010 (UTC)

How can we improve the usability for your language

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We expect that with the implementation of LocalisationUpdate the usability of MediaWiki for your language will improve. We are now ready to look at other aspects of usability for your language as well. There are two questions we would like you to answer: Are there issues with the new functionality of the Usability Initiative Does MediaWiki support your language properly

The best way to answer the first question is to visit the Change the language to your language, select the “vector” skin and add the advanced tool bar in in the preferences and check out the new functionality. And make some changes in your user page. When there is a need to improve on the localisation, please make the necessary changess . It should update your localisation straight away. We would like you to report each issue individually at

When there are problems with the support of MediaWiki for your language, we really want to know about this. It is best to report each issue separately. In this way there will be no large mass of issues to resolve but we can address each issue on its own. Consider issues with the display of characters, the presentation of your script, the position of the side bar, the combination of text with other languages, scripts. It is best to try this in an environment like the prototype wiki as it provides you with a clean, basic and up to date environment. The prototype wiki is available for five languages but you can select any of them, change the preferences to your language and test out MediaWiki for your language.

We would like you to report each issue individually at issues. The issues you raise will all be assessed. It is important to keep each issue separate, because this will make it easier to understand the issues and find solutions.

PS This text has been approved by Naoko, Brion and Siebrand. Thanks, GerardM 18:43, 28 Setiembri 2009 (UTC)

2010 Fundraising Is Almost Here

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Hello Wikipedians, my name is Kelly and I am working for the Wikimedia Foundation during the 2010 Fundraiser. My job is to be the liaison between the Estremeñu community and the Foundation. This year's fundraiser is intended to be a collaborative and global effort; we recognize that banner messages which may perform well in the United States don't necessarily translate well, or appeal to international audiences.

I'm contacting you as I am currently looking for translators who are willing to contribute to this project by helping translate and localize messages into Estremeñu and suggesting messages that would appeal to Estremeñu readers on the Fundraising Meta Page. We've started the setup on meta for both banner submission, statistical analysis, and grouping volunteers together.
Use the talk pages on meta, talk to your local communities, talk to others, talk to us, and add your feedback to the proposed messages as well! I look forward to working with you during this year's fundraiser. If someone could translate this message I would really appreciate it so that everyone is able to understand our goals and contribute to this year's campaign. Thanks!Klyman 20:13, 20 Otubri 2010 (UTC)

An urgent translation request

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Greetings :) As you may have noticed, the banners are up and we are in the final stages of testing before the official kickoff on Monday the 15th for this year's WMF fundraiser. We are in a bit of a time crunch to get the Estremeñu translations in before the Fundraiser launch on Monday. We really don't want to have English pages on the Estremeñu projects. This is a calll to to community to get involved, help translate and recruit translators to get all the fundraising materials completed. Here is the translation hub with the Jimmy Appeal, Core Messages, FAQ and Benefactors pages that need to be completed Translations. Once these are completed, we can build the new landing pages and localize the fundraiser! Thanks so much, let me know if there are any questions!Klyman 18:43, 13 Noviembri 2010 (UTC)

Wiki Loves Monuments

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Hola. Puede que muchos, si visitan otras wikis sobre todo, como Commons, ya sepan de la existencia de este proyecto e inciativa, pero vengo a comentarlo para los que no lo conozcan y quieran participar y colaborar.

El año pasado WM-NL (Capítulo neerlandés de Wikimedia), en el marco de un proyecto para la Wikipedia en neerlandés, organizó un concurso fotográfico para obtener fotografías de los monumentos de los Países Bajos. Este año ha decidido ampliar el campo a toda Europa (lo siento por los de otros contienentes, aunque todo es ponerse). Así, se ha puesto en marcha el proyecto Wiki Loves Monuments 2011, en el que se pretende tener fotografías para los monumentos de Europa y con un concurso en el que se darán premios. Obviamente esto es para Commons, pero otra parte de la misma iniciativa es elaborar en las distintas wikipedias listas de los monumentos de los distintos lugares y, si se puede, ir haciendo los artículos.

Wikimedia España colabora organizando el concurso para España y se empezaron a hacer listas en Commons y otras wikis. La elaboración de estos anexos es necesaria para saber qué monumentos hay y se pueden fotografiar. Por eso, es importante que las distintas comunidades se involucren en la creación de las mismas y si quieren en la captación de imágenes.

La información más detallada está en Commons, en Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2011. Podeis ver ejemplos de listas como ca:Llista de monuments de la Plana Baixa o fr:Liste des monuments historiques de l'Ain. También es interesante la creación de un wikiproyecto sobre monumentos o patrimonio, como fr:Projet:Monuments historiques. Dado que esto no es cosa de un capítulo, sino que pertenece a toda la comunidad creo que es mejor comentarlo aquí.

Estais todos invitados a participar. --Millars 11:49, 28 Hebreru 2011 (UTC)

Celebración del 10u Aniversariu de la Wikipedia n'asturianu

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Los próximos díes 12 y 13 de setiembre, van realizase unes xornaes n'Uviéu pa celebrar el 10.º aniversariu de la Wikipedia n'asturianu. Los actos tán entamaos por editores de la Wikipedia n'asturianu y por Wikimedia España, col sofitu del conceyu d'Uviéu y delles editoriales n'asturianu. Táis toos invitaos y estímase l'espardimientu por que los proyectos nesta llingua sían más conocíos y lleguen más editores. La información de los actos ta en ast:Uiquipedia:Alcuentros/Celebración del 10u Aniversariu.

B25es (talk) 15:01, 9 Setiembri 2014 (UTC)

Buenas tardes, por favor, aluièn puede re-ler esta pagina que tinego abierto ahora? Muchas gracias por todo!

Rei Momo (talk) 12:47, 20 Setiembri 2014 (UTC)

Global AbuseFilter

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AbuseFilter is a MediaWiki extension used to detect likely abusive behavior patterns, like pattern vandalism and spam. In 2013, Global AbuseFilters were enabled on a limited set of wikis including Meta-Wiki,, Wikispecies and (in early 2014) all the "small wikis". Recently, global abuse filters were enabled on "medium sized wikis" as well. These filters are currently managed by stewards on Meta-Wiki and have shown to be very effective in preventing mass spam attacks across Wikimedia projects. However, there is currently no policy on how the global AbuseFilters will be managed although there are proposals. There is an ongoing request for comment on policy governing the use of the global AbuseFilters. In the meantime, specific wikis can opt out of using the global AbuseFilter. These wikis can simply add a request to this list on Meta-Wiki. More details can be found on this page at Meta-Wiki. If you have any questions, feel free to ask on m:Talk:Global AbuseFilter.


PiRSquared17, Glaisher

— 17:34, 14 Noviembri 2014 (UTC)

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Por favor, ayuda a traducir a tu idioma

Screenshot of Compact Language Links interlanguage list

Hello, I wanted to give a heads up about an upcoming feature for this wiki, which you may already seen in the latest issue of Tech News. Compact Language Links has been available as a beta-feature on all Wikimedia wikis since 2014. With compact language links enabled, users are shown a much shorter list of languages on the interlanguage link section of an article (see image). This will be enabled as a feature in the coming week for all users, which can be turned on or off using a preference setting. We look forward to your feedback and please do let us know if you have any questions. Details about Compact Language Links can be read in the project documentation.

Due to the large scale enablement of this feature, we have had to use MassMessage for this announcement and as a result it is only written in English. We will really appreciate if this message can be translated for other users of this wiki. Thank you. On behalf of the Wikimedia Language team: Runa Bhattacharjee (WMF) (talk) 14:01 24 Hún 2016 (UTC)

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Por favor, ayuda a traducir a tu idioma

Screenshot of Compact Language Links interlanguage list

Compact Language Links has been available as a beta-feature on all Wikimedia wikis since 2014. With compact language links enabled, users are shown a much shorter list of languages on the interlanguage link section of an article (see image). Based on several factors, this shorter list of languages is expected to be more relevant for them and valuable for finding similar content in a language known to them. More information about compact language links can be found in the documentation.

From today onwards, compact language links has been enabled as the default listing of interlanguage links on this wiki. However, using the button at the bottom, you will be able to see a longer list of all the languages the article has been written in. The setting for this compact list can be changed by using the checkbox under User Preferences -> Appearance -> Languages

The compact language links feature has been tested extensively by the Wikimedia Language team, which developed it. However, in case there are any problems or other feedback please let us know on the project talk page. It is to be noted that on some wikis the presence of an existing older gadget that was used for a similar purpose may cause an interference for compact language list. We would like to bring this to the attention of the admins of this wiki. Full details are on this phabricator ticket (in English).

Due to the large scale enablement of this feature, we have had to use MassMessage for this announcement and as a result it is only written in English. We will really appreciate if this message can be translated for other users of this wiki. Thank you. On behalf of the Wikimedia Language team: Runa Bhattacharjee (WMF) (talk)-04:21 28 Hún 2016 (UTC)