U.S. Trade with Vietnam in 2023

Export Market Rank
#10 Among U.S. Agricultural Export Markets
Total Export Value
$3.16 Billion
3-Year Average
$3.36 Billion
Compound Average Growth
3.1% (2014-2023)
Total Export Value 2014 - 2023
Export Value by Commodity 2023

Top 10 Exports to Vietnam in 2023

Commodity Total Value (USD) Total Volume (Metric Tons) 10-Year Average Value (USD) 10-Year Growth
Cotton $748.33 Million 351,237 $960.6 Million 91%
Soybeans $410.75 Million 704,380 $359.15 Million 21%
Distillers Grains $340.01 Million 1.09 Million $250.69 Million 109%
Soybean Meal $244.5 Million 477,627 $161.04 Million 35%
Tree Nuts $237.62 Million 39,685 $232.27 Million -17%
Other Feeds, Meals & Fodders $182.9 Million 206,619 $124.19 Million 104%
Dairy Products $147.36 Million 88,727 $181.11 Million -44%
Wheat $145.32 Million 419,358 $80.59 Million 87%
Poultry Meat & Prods. (excl. eggs) $121.58 Million 117,692 $103.95 Million 70%
Fresh Fruit $104.97 Million 54,443 $99.08 Million 15%

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Data and Analysis

Attaché Report (GAIN)

Vietnam: FTA Competition in Vietnam

The United States is largest agricultural trading partner with Vietnam that does not have an FTA with Vietnam. The MFN tariff rates that apply to U.S. agricultural products are substantially higher than those stipulated in Vietnam’s many FTAs.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Vietnam: Grain and Feed Quarterly

In MY 2023/2024, Vietnam’s rice production appears to be remained stable compared to previous year. Despite a slight decline in harvested areas because of climate change as drought and salt-instruction. By adjusting the crop calendar and adopting new rice high-yield, disease-tolerance rice varieties have led to higher yields compared to the previous year, thereby, offsetting losses from reduced harvested areas.
Attaché Report (GAIN)

Vietnam: Exporter Guide Annual

This report serves as a practical guide for U.S. exporters wishing to initiate or increase exports of U.S. consumer-oriented and seafood products to Vietnam. It provides an overview of the market potential, practical tips, consumer preferences and trends, food standards and regulations, import and inspection procedures, and useful contacts.


All times in ET.
Mar 18
Mar 20
Trade Show  |  USDA Endorsed

Food and Hotel Hanoi

Hanoi, Vietnam

News and Features

U.S. Department of Agriculture Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Alexis M. Taylor arrived in Ho Chi Minh City today to launch a USDA-sponsored agribusiness trade mission.
Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Alexis M. Taylor will lead a U.S. Department of Agriculture trade mission to Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, Vietnam, Sept. 9-13, joined by representatives from 58 agribusinesses and organizations and nine state governments that represent the diversity of U.S. agriculture.
Private exporters reported the following sales activity for MY 2024/25: 198,000 MT of soybeans for delivery to China, 110,490 MT of corn to Mexico, 105,000 MT of soybean cake and meal for delivery to Vietnam, and 132,000 MT of corn to unknown destinations.