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    The Sage international encyclopedia of mass media and society /

    • Title:The Sage international encyclopedia of mass media and society / edited by Debra L. Merskin.
    • Electronic Resource:(Click here for electronic book)
    • Other Author/Title:Merskin, Debra L.,
      Sage eReference (Online service)
    • Publisher:Thousand Oaks, California : SAGE, [2020]
    • ISBN:9781483375519
    • Description:1 online resource.
    • Subjects:Mass media--Social aspects--Encyclopedias.
    • Terms of use:Unlimited User Access
    • Contents note:Aboriginal Peoples Television Network -- Action for children's television -- Adbusters -- Addiction -- Adelphi Charter -- Advertising -- Advertising regulations -- Advertising, history and economics of -- Advertising, return on investment -- Advocacy -- Afghanistan -- African American characters on television and in the movies -- African American magazines -- African American newspapers -- African American radio programming -- African American television programming -- Agenda setting -- Al Jazeera -- Albania -- Alliance for audited media -- Alterity -- Amazon -- American Civil Liberties Union -- American Copy Editors Society -- American Forces Network -- American Press Institute -- American Society of News Editors -- Analog and digital communications -- Angola -- Animal media studies -- Animation -- Application Programming Interface -- Apps -- Argentina -- Artificial Intelligence -- Asian American magazines -- Asian American movies -- Asian American newspapers -- Asian American radio programming -- Asian American television programming -- Associated Press -- Association for Women in Communications -- AT&T. See WarnerMedia -- Attention span -- Attitude Change Theory -- Audiences -- Audio editing -- Australia -- Australian Associated Press -- Austria -- Auteur -- Autonomous moral agent -- Avatars -- Azerbaijan -- Backlist and frontlist -- Bahamas -- Bahrain -- Bangladesh -- Barbados -- Behaviorism and cognitivism -- Belarus -- Belgium -- Belize -- Bertelsmann -- Bhutan -- BitTorrent -- Blockbusters -- Blogs and bloggers -- Blu-ray Discs -- Body Image in mass media -- Bolivia -- Bollywood -- Book publishing -- Book publishing, history and economics of -- Bookmarking -- Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Botswana -- Branding -- Brazil -- British Broadcasting Corporation -- British Cultural Theory -- Broadcast Education Association -- Broadsheet newspapers -- Brunei Darussalam -- Bulgaria -- Burundi -- Business Wire -- Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984 -- Cable television -- Cambodia -- Cameroon -- Canada -- Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation -- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation -- Canadian Content Policy -- Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission -- CAN-SPAM Act -- Cape Verde -- Capitalism -- Cassette tapes -- Celebrities -- Censorship -- Center for Digital Democracy -- Center for Media and Public Affairs -- Center for the Book -- Center on Media and Child Health -- Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies -- Centre for Digital Cultures -- Chicago defender -- Children -- Children's magazines -- Children's movies -- Children's Television Act of 1990 -- Children's television programming -- Chile -- China -- China Central Television -- Citizen journalism -- Class privilege in mass media -- Class-Dominant Theory -- CNN -- Cognition and information processing -- Cognitive dissonance -- Cognitive processing, disengagement, and empathy -- Collective intelligence -- Colombia -- Comics -- Commercial speech -- Commission on Freedom of the Press. See Hutchins Commission -- Communications Act of 1934 -- Communications research -- Communitarianism -- Compact discs -- Computer networks -- Computers, history and economics of -- Concentration of media ownership -- Conceptual Metaphor Theory -- Conglomerates -- Congo, Democratic Republic of the -- Constructivism -- Consumer behavior -- Consumer culture -- Content analysis -- Content communities -- Content farms -- Content marketing -- Content moderation -- Copyright Alert System -- Copyright laws -- Corporate media consolidation -- Costa Rica -- Côte d'Ivoire -- Creative Commons -- Critical theory -- Critical viewing -- Croatia -- Cuba -- Cultivation theory -- Culturalist approach -- Culture industry -- Culture jamming -- Cyberbullying -- Cyberculture -- Cyprus -- Czech Republic -- Data journalism -- Data privacy. See Internet security; Social media monitoring -- Daytime television programming -- Deconstructionism -- Defamation and libel laws -- Demographics. See psychographics -- Denmark -- Desensitization -- Diaries -- Diasporic communities and social media -- Digital media and health -- Digital media ethics -- Digital piracy -- Digital revolution -- Digital Rights Management -- Digital television -- Direct effects -- Disabilities in media -- Disaster coverage -- Discourse analysis -- Discovery, Inc. -- Disinformation. See Fake News; Propaganda; Propaganda, theories of -- Disinhibitory and inhibitory effects -- Djibouti -- Documentary media -- Dominican Republic -- Drone journalism -- Dubbing -- DVDs -- East Timor. See Timor-Leste -- e-Books. See book publishing -- e-Commerce -- Ecuador -- Educational radio -- Educational technology -- Educational television -- Effects theory -- Egypt -- El Salvador -- Election campaigns -- Email -- Embodiment -- Emergency notification systems -- Emoticons and Emojis -- Encoding/decoding model -- Environmental communication -- Eritrea -- e-Sports -- Estonia -- Ethics. See ethics of care; Ethics of justice; Ethics of representation; Global media ethics; Media ethics; National Press Photographers Association Code of Ethics; Public Relations Society of America Code of Ethics -- Ethics of care -- Ethics of justice -- Ethics of representation -- Ethiopia -- Ethnography -- European Alliance of News Agencies -- European media lobbies and Governance -- European Union Culture Preservation Initiative -- Facebook -- Fairness Doctrine -- Fake News -- Fans and fandom -- Federal Communications Commission, U.S. -- Federal Trade Commission, U.S. -- Feedback -- Female characters on television and in the movies -- Feminist analyses of media -- Field theory -- Fiji -- Film production -- Finland -- First Amendment. See Prior Restraint -- Focus groups -- Food advertising and marketing -- Foursquare -- Framing -- France -- France télévisions -- Frankfurt school -- Free newspapers -- Freedom of information.
      See Freedom of Information Act; Media and human rights; Prior Restraint -- Freedom of Information Act -- Freeware -- Functionalist theory -- Gambia, The -- Gaze theory -- Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media -- Genre theory -- Georgia -- Germany -- Ghana -- Global digital divide -- Global media ethics -- Global village -- Globalization of mass media -- Globe and mail, The -- Google -- Graphic design -- Graphic novels -- Grassroots campaigns -- Greece -- Grenada -- Grounded theory -- Grupo Globo -- Guardian, The -- Guatemala -- Guinea-Bissau -- Guyana -- Hacking -- Hacktivism -- Haiti -- Hegemony -- Hicklin Rule -- Hispanic movies -- Hispanic newspapers -- Hispanic radio programming -- Hispanic television programming -- Honduras -- Hot and Cool Media Theory -- House band -- HTML and CSS -- Humor -- Hungary -- Hutchins commission -- Hypertext and hypermedia -- Hypodermic needle Theory -- Iceland -- Ideology -- iHeartMedia -- Impartiality -- India -- Indonesia -- Information society -- Information theory -- Instagram -- Institute of communication and media studies -- Integrated circuit -- Intellectual property -- Interactive media -- Intercultural communication -- Intergroup communication -- International Association of Business Communicators -- International Federation of Journalists -- International Women's Media Foundation -- Internet Association -- Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers -- Internet Protocol Television -- Internet security -- Internet society -- Internet, history and economics of -- Interpersonal communication -- Intersectionality -- Intertextuality -- Interviewing -- Iran -- Iraq -- Ireland -- Island Communicative Ecology -- Israel -- Italy -- Jamaica -- Japan -- Jordan -- Journalism, history and economics of -- Kazakhstan -- Kenya -- Kiribati -- Klout -- Kosovo -- Kuwait -- Kuwait News Agency -- Kyrgyzstan -- Labelling theory -- Laos -- Late-night television Programming -- Latvia -- Lebanon -- LGBTQ characters on television and in the movies -- LGBTQ magazines -- LGBTQ newspapers -- LGBTQ radio programming -- LGBTQ television programming -- Libel tourism -- Liberia -- Libya -- Limited effects theory -- Linguistics -- LinkedIn.
      Listening -- Literary property -- Lithuania -- Litigation public relations -- Los Angeles Times -- Lurking -- Luxembourg -- MacBride Report -- Magazine journalism -- Magazine websites -- Magazines Canada -- Magazines, history of -- Magic Bullet Theory. See Hypodermic needle theory -- Mainstream media -- Malaysia -- Maldives -- Mali -- Malta -- Maori television -- Marshall Islands -- Marxist and Neo-Marxist theories -- Mass psychology -- Mass society theory of media influence -- Massively multiplayer online gaming -- Mauritania -- Mauritius -- Media activism -- Media and children's rights -- Media and human rights -- Media and philanthropy -- Media and poverty -- Media bias -- Media dependency -- Media diplomacy -- Media echo chamber -- Media ecology -- Media entrepreneurship -- Media ethics -- Media events -- Media literacy -- Media management -- Media spectacle -- Mediated culture -- Mediated scandal -- Mediatization -- Medium -- Meme -- Men's magazines -- Mexico -- Miller test -- Mobile media -- Models of communication -- Modernism -- Moldova -- Mongolia -- Montenegro -- MOOCs -- Moral relativity -- Motion Picture Association of America -- Movie theaters, history and economics of -- Movies, history and economics of -- MP3 players -- Multimedia -- Music industry, history and economics of -- Music videos -- Myanmar -- Myspace -- Narcotizing dysfunction -- Naspers -- National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences -- National Association for Multi-ethnicity in Communications -- National Association of Black Journalists -- National Endowment for the Arts -- National Film Board of Canada -- National Press Photographers Association -- National Press Photographers Association code of ethics -- National Public Radio -- National Union of Journalists -- Native advertising -- Native American movies -- Native American newspapers -- Native American radio programming -- Native American television programming -- Nauru -- NDTV -- Nepal -- Nerd culture -- Netflix -- Netherlands -- Neurodiverse websites -- New York Times v. Sullivan -- New York Times, The -- New Zealand -- News agencies -- News corporation -- News lab -- News themes -- NewsGuild -- Newspaper journalism -- Newspaper publishing -- Newspaper websites -- Newspapers, history and economics of -- Newspapers, print -- Nicaragua -- Niger -- Nigeria -- Nihilism -- NLGJA : The Association of LGBTQ Journalists -- Nollywood -- Nonprofit journalism. See Media and philanthropy -- Norms -- North Korea -- North Macedonia -- Norway -- Objectivity -- Obscene Publications Acts -- Observational research -- Obstinate audience theory -- Oman -- One laptop per child -- One-step flow theory -- Online news sites -- Online predators -- Online speech, restrictions on -- Opinion leaders and followers -- Outdoor advertising -- Pakistan -- Pakistan Television Corporation -- Palau -- Palestine -- Paley Center for Media -- Panama -- Pandora -- Papua New Guinea -- Paradigm shift -- Paraguay -- Parasocial interaction -- Participatory action research -- Peer-to-Peer file sharing -- Peer-to-Peer payment systems -- People's Daily -- Perception -- Peru -- Philippines -- Photography -- Pirate radio -- Podcasting -- Poland -- Political communication -- Political economy of communication -- Political mass media -- Pornography -- Portugal -- Posthumanism -- Postmodernism -- Prasar Bharati -- Pravda -- Press Trust of India -- Prime-time programming -- Priming -- Printing press -- Prior restraint -- Private Media Group -- Problematic interactive media use -- Product placement -- Propaganda -- Propaganda, theories of -- Psychoanalytic theory -- Psychographics -- Public affairs radio programming -- Public affairs television programming -- Public Broadcasting Service -- Public diplomacy -- Public relations -- Public Relations Society of America -- Public Relations Society of America code of ethics -- Radio Act of 1912. See Radio Act of 1927 -- Radio Act of 1927 -- Radio, broadcast -- Radio, history and economics of -- Radio, online -- RAI -- Rakuten -- Reading, history of -- Reality television -- Really simple syndication -- Recording Industry Association of America -- Reddit -- Religious radio programming -- Religious television programming -- Reporters Without Borders -- Representation -- Reuters -- RFID Chip -- Rhetorical analysis -- RIA Novosti -- Ritual view -- Rogers communications -- Romania -- Roth v. United States -- RSS Reader -- RT? -- RTL Group -- RTP -- Russia -- Rwanda -- SAG-AFTRA -- Samoa -- San Marino -- Saudi Arabia -- Science communication -- Screenwriting, film -- Scribd -- Search engine optimization -- Search engines -- Second Life -- Selective exposure, perception, and retention -- Self-regulation -- Semiotic theory -- Senegal -- Senior citizens and the Internet -- Serbia -- Sexting -- Sexual harassment online -- Shield laws -- Shopping websites -- Shortwave radio -- Sierra Leone -- Silicon Alley -- Silicon Valley -- Simulacrum -- Singapore -- Sky News -- Sky UK -- SlideShare -- Slovakia -- Slovenia -- SMCR Model -- Social authority building -- Social cognitive theory -- Social construction of reality -- Social inclusion through technology -- Social justice -- Social media -- Social media monitoring -- Social network analysis -- Social networking site -- Social news sites -- Society of Environmental Journalists -- Society of Professional Journalists -- Software -- Solomon Islands -- Solutions journalism -- Somalia -- Sound effects -- South Africa -- South African Broadcasting Corporation -- South Korea -- South Sudan -- Spain -- Special effects -- Spiral of silence -- Sports in newspapers and magazines -- Sports radio programming -- Sports television programming -- Spotify. See Pandora; Streaming media -- Sri Lanka -- Star India -- Storyboard -- Strategic communication -- Streaming media -- Structuralism -- Studio system -- Subjectivity -- Sudan -- Survey research -- Swaziland -- Sweden -- Switzerland -- Syria -- Tablet computers. See mobile media -- Tag cloud -- Taiwan -- Tajikistan -- Talk radio -- Talk shows, television -- Tape recorders -- Target marketing -- Technology development, influence on mass media -- Teen and tween audiences -- Telecommunications Act of 1993, Canada -- Telecommunications Act of 1996, U.S. -- Telefe -- Telefilm Canada -- teleSUR -- Television production -- Television, history and economics of -- Tencent -- Terrorism, media depictions of -- Thai TV Global Network -- Thailand -- Time Magazine -- Time Warner. See WarnerMedia -- Times of India, The -- Times, The and The Sunday Times -- Time-shifting -- Timor-Leste -- TiVo -- TNT -- Tonga -- Transmission view -- Transnational media corporations -- Trinidad and Tobago -- Tunisia -- Turkey -- Turkmenistan -- Tuvalu -- Twitter -- Two-step flow theory -- Uganda -- Ukraine -- Unfair trade practices -- United Arab Emirates -- United Press International -- Uruguay -- USA Today -- User-generated content -- User-generated media -- Uses and gratifications theory -- Uzbekistan -- Vanuatu -- Vatican City -- Vatican Radio -- Venezuela -- Vertical integration -- Video editing -- Video games -- Video news release -- Videography -- Vietnam -- Viral marketing -- Virtual communities -- Vlog -- Voice of America -- Wall Street Journal, The -- Walt Disney Company -- War coverage and wartime mass media -- WarnerMedia -- Washington Post, The -- Weather forecasting -- Web browsers -- Wedding media -- Whistleblowing -- WikiLeaks. See Whistleblowing; Wikis -- Wikipedia -- Wikis -- Women's magazines -- Women's television programming -- World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers -- Worlds of Journalism Study -- Xinhua News Agency -- Yahoo -- YouTube -- Zambia -- Zimbabwe -- Zines.
    • Access restrictions:Due to licensing restrictions, this resource is only available to current Wichita State University students, faculty, and staff and to community users within the WSU Libraries.
    • Notes:Electronic reproduction. Thousand Oaks, CA
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