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README for nana/test

* Running tests.
use "make check" to run the checkall program which runs the real tests by
using the checkall program.

individual tests can be run as "nana-clg DI.c | check.awk"

* Method.
The test programs include "check.h" which provides a set of macros 
which generate output in the form:

output from code@expected output@message\n

This can then be verified by check.awk

* Known Problems.
With -O3 the local variables used in the test are optimised away so 
we can't use DI(i>=0) etc. Adding a volatile to the declaration solves
this problem. If you want to see it, add a "-O3 -Dvolatile=" line into
checkall in the list of optimisation options

* Why so many tests (or so few). 
A lot of the tests are aimed at testing the compiler rather than the
library. A fair bit of bash testing is needed to find the limitations
of debuggers and compilers, e.g. a debugger that can only set less
than 10,000 breakpoints.