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SageMaker Model Endpoint


This module creates SageMaker Model, Endpoint Configuration Production Variant, and a real-time Inference Endpoint. The endpoint is deployed in a VPC inside user-provided subnets.

The module supports provisioning of an endpoint from a model package, or may automatically pull the latest approved model from model package group to support CI/CD deployment scenarios.


SageMaker Endpoint Module Architecture


Input Parameters


  • vpc-id: The VPC-ID that the endpoint will be created in.
  • subnet-ids: The subnets that the endpoint will be created in.
  • model-package-arn: Model package ARN OR
  • model-package-group-name: Model package group name to pull latest approved model package from the group.

The user must specify either model-package-arn for a specific model or model-package-group-name to automatically pull latest approved model from the model package group and deploy and endpoint. The latter is useful to scenarios where endpoints are provisioned as part of automated Continuous Integration and Deployment pipeline.


  • sagemaker-project-id: SageMaker project id
  • sagemaker-project-name: SageMaker project name
  • model-execution-role-arn: Model execution role ARN. Will be created if not provided.
  • model-artifacts-bucket-arn: Bucket ARN that contains model artifacts. Required by model execution IAM role to download model artifacts.
  • ecr-repo-arn: ECR repository ARN if custom container is used
  • variant-name: Endpoint config production variant name. AllTraffic by default.
  • initial-instance-count: Initial instance count. 1 by default.
  • initial-variant-weight: Initial variant weight. 1 by default.
  • instance-type: instance type. ml.m4.xlarge by default.
  • managed-instance-scaling: whether to enable managed instance autoscaling. False by default.
  • scaling-min-instance-count: minimum autoscaling instance count. 1 by default. Only considered if managed-instance-scaling is True.
  • scaling-max-instance-count minimum autoscaling instance count. 10 by default. Only considered if managed-instance-scaling is True.

Sample manifest declaration

name: endpoint
path: modules/sagemaker/sagemaker-endpoint
  - name: sagemaker_project_id
    value: dummy123
  - name: sagemaker_project_name
    value: dummy123
  - name: model_package_arn
    value: arn:aws:sagemaker:<region>:<account>:model-package/<package_name>/1
  - name: instance_type
    value: ml.m5.large
  - name: vpc_id
        group: networking
        name: networking
        key: VpcId
  - name: subnet_ids
        group: networking
        name: networking
        key: PrivateSubnetIds

Module Metadata Outputs

  • ModelExecutionRoleArn: SageMaker Model Execution IAM role ARN
  • ModelName: SageMaker Model name
  • ModelPackageArn: SageMaker Model package ARN
  • EndpointName: SageMaker Endpoint name
  • EndpointUrl: SageMaker Endpoint Url

Output Example

  "ModelExecutionRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:role/xxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "ModelName": "mlops-mlops-sagemaker-endpoints-endpoint-model-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "EndpointName": "mlopsmlopssagemakerendpointsendpointendpoint-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "ModelPackageArn": "arn:aws:sagemaker:us-east-1:xxxxxxxxxxxx:model-package/model-mlops-demo/1",
  "EndpointUrl": ""