
On The Way

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Hochul is looking back on MTA history with very rose colored glasses

The open gangway subway trains are an exciting sight on the C line — if you can get on one.

This week's edition of On The Way is dedicated to answering questions from our beloved readers.

The screens could pad drivers' incomes, but similar ones in the city's fleet of cabs have for years annoyed passengers.

The MTA is struggling to get New Yorkers to pay to ride the bus, in no small part because drivers don’t enforce the fare.

Nothing reminds New Yorkers how important the subway is to life in the city like a train line suddenly going out of service.

Adams’ ambitions for a futuristic, weapon-detecting turnstile contrast with those of the MTA, which is working on a “turnstile of the future” that’s harder to hop over.

City data shows 127 people were killed by drivers across the five boroughs during the first six months of 2024, about 55% more than the 82 who were fatally shot over the same period.

NJ Transit and Amtrak promised rider they would do a better job working together. We have bad news: a real fix isn’t likely coming until the late 2030s.

Not since the MTA announced the closure of L train service between Manhattan and Brooklyn — a plan former Gov. Andrew Cuomo abruptly changed in 2019 — has transit construction frustrated so many Brooklynites.