
thomas dinapoli

Latest Articles Tagged "thomas dinapoli"

The state comptroller's tally found that nearly half the reported incidents targeted Jews.

Nearly two-fifths of projects examined were at least 20% over budget, according to a new report.

The state agency in charge of care for people with developmental disabilities provided inconsistent guidance and oversight, Comptroller Tom DiNapoli said.

The audit comes as Mayor Eric Adams ramps up his administration’s plans to tackle rising homelessness.

The audit surveyed 71,210 students slated to graduate high school in 2019 and found that 23% of them did not graduate on time, and 80% of those students were either Hispanic or Black.

How the MTA will address this funding crisis is still unknown, but historically it has turned to fare hikes, service cuts or taxes to cover the shortfalls.

In a report, Thomas DiNapoli said the city should use its reserves and hope for federal relief.

New York State sent just over $41 billion more to the federal government than the feds spent in New York in 2016, according to the state comptroller.

160 tenants who lived in the city's affordable housing units reported incomes of more than $100K.

The scandal over potentially illegal payments to state senators has moved on to its next phase, an investigation.