The Moore-Miller Administration is Making Maryland The State That Serves

"Service will save us...By calling Marylanders to serve, we will bridge the gap between ambition and employment, address the challenges in our communities, and call on our citizens to get to know each other again. "
— Governor Wes Moore

Governor Moore has made service the cornerstone of the Moore-Miller Administration’s agenda. After launching a first-in-the-nation Service Year option for high school graduates, Governor Moore will continue to enhance opportunities for Marylanders to serve. The Moore-Miller Administration believes that service will save us and pave the way toward a brighter future.

Thousands have volunteered to serve their communities, and the Moore-Miller Administration is committed to rebuilding our government to be more responsive and to provide better services to all Marylanders.

Stay Informed on How We're
Expanding Opportunities to Serve

Budget Priorities To Expand Service in Maryland

Budget Priorities To Rebuild State Government

Legislative Priorities to Make Maryland The State That Serves

The Maryland Road Worker Protection Act (SB 479, HB 513)

This Act improves safety for highway construction workers in Maryland who do dangerous work that keeps our state moving. It increased the fine for speeding in a highway work zone from $40 to $80, effective July 1, 2024, and as of January 1, 2025, will increase it further to a progressive rate that depends on how fast a driver is going and whether workers are present on the site. It will also provide clearer and more noticeable signage around work zones to remind drivers to slow down and potentially save a life.

The Protecting Election Officials Act (SB 480, HB 585)

This Act ensures that the people who administer our elections are protected from threats and harassment. Before this Act passed, it was almost impossible to prosecute instances of threats and harassment against the professionals and volunteers who keep our democracy going. And nationwide, there has been a significant uptick in these types of threats. Now, police and prosecutors will be able to better protect our election workers - and our elections.

The Caring for Public Employees in Safety Professions (CAPES) Act (SB 476, HB 584)

This Act helps take care of the people who take care of us: the dedicated members of the state’s professional and volunteer fire services. Firefighters face high rates of cancer because they are exposed to many dangerous substances while putting out fires. This Act makes it easier for them to access workers' compensation for thyroid, colon, and ovarian cancers, adding them to a list of other cancers already covered.

The Families Serve Act (SB 478, HB 604)

This Act supports Maryland’s military families by expanding job opportunities for military spouses. Military family members make sacrifices to support the work of their loved ones, and ensuring that they are taken care of is both a moral imperative and a way to make Maryland a better place for service members and military facilities. Under this Act, employers are allowed to provide hiring preference for military spouses, thereby improving employment opportunities and economic stability for these families.

The Time to Serve Act (SB 477, HB 580)

This Act ensures that state employees who also serve in the National Guard or Reserves are fully supported by the State in both of their areas of service. Under prior State policies, these individuals often had to use their personal leave for time spent meeting their military service obligations. It expands military leave for these individuals to 30 days, aligning with the time they spend on military service obligations throughout the year.