Meeting at OSCE. Photo: Nora Stai, OSCE
Meeting at OSCE. Photo: Nora Stai, OSCE

Launch of MFA guidelines for implementation of WPS On June 3, she was invited to provide comments during the launch of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Guidelines for Implementation of the Norwegian National Action Plan (NAP) on Women, Peace and Security (WPS).

Gender Equality for Development - seminar series On 11 June Dr. Tryggestad gave an online talk on ‘The Women, Peace and Security Agenda – An example of successful knowledge-based policymaking?’ as part of a seminar series on Gender Equality for Development (GEfD) (2023-2027) – Gender mainstreaming (GM) for MDAs and other stakeholders in Kampala, Uganda. The seminar series is a collaboration between The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs and the Ministry for Gender, Labour and Social Affairs, Uganda.

Gender dimensions in peace research Later in June, on 25 June, she gave an online talk on ‘Gender dimensions in peace research’ as part of the workshop series European Research Area Workshops on the Gender Dimension in Research. The online event was organised by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. More information on this workshop series can be found here.

Regional Expert Level Workshop Finally, on 28 June she also gave an introduction and participated in a panel discussion which formed part of a Regional Expert Level Workshop for Central Asian participating States on Women, Peace, and Security and UNSCR 1325 National Action Plans at the Organisation for Security and Cooperation (OSCE) in Vienna.