Grafana Labs Trademark Usage Policy.

Raintank, Inc. dba Grafana Labs (“Grafana Labs”) is the owner of numerous trademarks, including those identified in the non-exhaustive Trademark List included herein, its marks appearing in standard characters (the “Grafana Labs Text Mark(s)”), as well as its specialized logos, logotypes and design marks (the “Grafana Labs Logo(s)”) (all of which are collectively referred to herein as the “Grafana Labs Marks”). An illustrative, non-exhaustive list of the Grafana Labs Marks that are registered trademarks, pending registrations and common law trademarks in use can be found at Trademark List.

Your right to use the Grafana Labs Marks is conditioned upon your compliance with this Trademark Usage Policy. The Grafana Labs Marks may be used for the purposes of open source discussion, development and support of Grafana Labs’ open source projects, subject to the terms of this Trademark Usage Policy. Any other use of the Grafana Labs Marks requires a separate trademark license agreement with Grafana Labs. To inquire about a trademark license, please see below for contact information.

Any use of or reference to the Grafana Labs Marks that is inconsistent with this Trademark Usage Policy is strictly prohibited, and is considered a material breach of the terms of the applicable open source licenses, which may result in, without limitation to other available remedies, immediate termination of your rights and licenses under the terms of such open source licenses.

The Grafana Labs Marks “Do’s”:

  • Use the Grafana Labs Text Marks in a form that distinguishes them from surrounding text, such as by capitalization, bold or italic fonts, or with quotation marks. Any use of registered trademarks (as indicated in the Trademark List) should include the “®” symbol immediately after the first and/or most prominent usage (e.g., “Grafana® allows you to query, visualize and alert on metrics…”). Any use of unregistered trademarks should include a “TM” immediately after in all instances. These trademark notices should not be altered. Do not use the “®” symbol in countries where the Grafana Labs Marks have not been registered. Trademark rights vary from country to country.
  • You must include the following attribution statement prominently in all materials using the Grafana Labs Marks, including but not limited to websites, publications, splash screens, screenshots or in documentation: “The Grafana Labs Marks are trademarks of Grafana Labs, and are used with Grafana Labs’ permission. We are not affiliated with, endorsed or sponsored by Grafana Labs or its affiliates.”
  • Use the Grafana Labs Marks only as adjectives followed by a generic name/noun (not as a verb or noun).

The Grafana Labs Marks “Don’ts”:

  • Do not alter the Grafana Labs Marks, including modifying any logo or design, adding or deleting any words, or changing any color or proportions. You may, however, scale the size of a Grafana Labs Logo, if necessary, so long as its subsequent use is consistent with the preservation of the goodwill and value of the mark and in accordance with the terms of this Trademark Usage Policy.
  • Do not use the Grafana Labs Marks in the plural or possessive form.
  • Do not use variations, foreign language equivalents or abbreviations of the Grafana Labs Text Marks for any purpose.
  • Do not use the Grafana Labs Marks in a manner that would disparage Grafana Labs, its community or its technology or would damage the brand identity, including in a manner that in Grafana Lab’s opinion is offensive, defamatory, illegal or unethical.
  • Do not use the Grafana Labs Marks in a manner that is more prominent than your own company, product or service name.
  • Do not use the Grafana Labs Marks as part of your product or service name, or incorporate them into your company’s logos or designs.
  • Do not incorporate the Grafana Labs Marks into the name or logo of your website, domain name, Internet keywords, social media accounts, metatags, or trigger words to lead to a website or other Internet destination, product, business or service.
  • Do not adopt marks, logos, slogans, or designs that are confusingly similar to the Grafana Labs Marks.
  • Do not use the Grafana Labs Marks in any areas of your website which are password protected.
  • Do not use the Grafana Labs Marks in or on any website, promotion or marketing materials, merchandise items or publications without express written permission from Grafana Labs.
  • Do not attempt to claim or assert any ownership rights in the Grafana Labs Marks and do not attempt to register the Grafana Labs Marks as a trademark, trade name, domain name, or “doing business as” name, alone or (unless specifically licensed) in combination with your own trademarks.
  • Do not use the Grafana Labs Marks in any commercial or marketing context other than as expressly permitted in this policy unless you have obtained explicit written permission from Grafana Labs to do so.
  • Do not use the Grafana Labs Marks in conjunction with derivative software incorporating modified Grafana Labs software product code, or to reference any other goods or services that Grafana Labs did not create or provide.

Note: Any web link used in the Grafana Labs Marks must resolve to

We Need Your Help

If you have questions with respect to these guidelines or to report concerns regarding the use or misuse of the Grafana Labs Marks, or if you wish to obtain our written permission for any other use which is not specifically addressed in this Trademark Use Policy, please contact us at [email protected]. Thank you for helping to protect the Grafana Labs Marks!

Grafana Labs reserves the right to amend this Trademark Usage Policy, including any permissions within it, at any time. No other rights of any kind are granted hereunder by implication or otherwise.