Notice of Intent to Publish Request for Information: Strategies to Increase Diversity in the Physician-Scientist Workforce

Notice Number: NOT-OD-16-024

Key Dates
Release Date: November 17, 2015

Related Announcements

Issued by
National Institutes of Health (NIH)


In 2013, the NIH Advisory Committee to the Director established a Working Group to analyze the composition and size of the Physician-Scientist Workforce (PSW), and to make recommendations to sustain and strengthen it. The PSW Working Group issued a report in June 2014 which contained recommendations for action ( ). The Working Group recognized major deficiencies of the PSW with regard to diversity.

A request for information will be published in late November or early December. NIH will seek comments on unique trajectories, barriers, and successful strategies to enhance the diversity of the PSW. Additionally, NIH will seek comments on whether programs exist that provide clinicians with the necessary skill sets to perform high quality, high impact independent biomedical research short of pursuing a dual degree (e.g., MD/PhD, DDS/PhD, DVM/PhD). Comments and suggestions will be accepted for approximately one month.


Lisa Evans, JD
Scientific Workforce Diversity
Officer Office of Extramural Programs
Email: [email protected]