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As updates are made to the AY2024-2025 course catalog, they will be posted here.

7/15/2024Mr. Michael Pressman will offer the Reading Group, Theories of Torts Remedies, in Spring 2025.
7/9/2024Professor Jonathan Zittrain, Mr. Jordi Weinstock, and Mr. Joshua Joseph will offer the course, Agentic Artificial Intelligence and the Law, in Spring 2025.
7/9/2024Mr. Lobsang Sangay will offer the reading group, Tibet and China, in Spring 2025.
6/28/2024Professor Michael McCann will offer both Legal Research, Writing and Analysis I and Legal Research, Writing and Analysis II in Fall 2024.
6/27/2024Ms. Alexandra McKinney will offer two sections of Legal Research, Writing and Analysis II in Fall 2024: Legal Research, Writing and Analysis II A and Legal Research, Writing and Analysis II B.
6/27/2024Judge David Barron, Professor Archon Fung, and Ms. Sarah Wald’s Fall 2024 seminar, Public Problems: Advice, Strategy, and Analysis, will meet on Mondays from 3:45-5:45pm.
6/25/2024Ms. Jennifer Rosenbaum will offer the course, International Labor Migration, in Winter 2025.
6/24/2024Professor Andrew Selbst will offer the reading group, Technology and Justice, in Fall 2024.

For upper-level JD students, this offering is available to add in Helios now. For incoming LLM and transfer students, this offering will be included in registration.
6/24/2024Ms. Antonia Apps will offer the course, White Collar Criminal Law and Procedure, in Spring 2025.
6/24/2024Professor Jonathan Zittrain’s Spring 2025 course, Case Studies in Public and Private Policy Challenges of Artificial Intelligence, has been cancelled.
6/21/2024Mr. Ian Gershengorn will offer the seminar, The Roberts Court: Theory and Practice, in Spring 2025.
6/21/2024Mr. David Sorkin and Mr. Alan Klein will offer the course, Transactional Law Workshop – Mergers and Acquisitions, in Spring 2025.
6/21/2024Ms. Rebecca Richman Cohen will offer the seminar, The Carceral Lens: Exploring Criminal (In)justice through Film, in Fall 2024. She will also offer the reading group, Human Rights and Humanitarianism through the Lens of Documentary Film, in Spring 2025.
6/12/2024Ms. Elizabeth McClintock will offer the course, Processes of International Negotiations, in Spring 2025.
6/11/2024Ms. Nicole Provo will offer the course, Civil Rights and the Armed Professions/the US Defense Industry, in Spring 2025.
6/6/2024Professor Todd Rakoff will offer the seminar, Statutes and Justice, in Spring 2025.
6/5/2024Ms. Rachel Landauer will offer the reading group, Corporate Fraud, Abuse, and Other Health Care Regulatory Schemes, in Spring 2025.
6/5/2024Mr. Oren Nimni will offer the course, Prison Law, in Spring 2025.
6/3/2024Judge Joseph Greenaway will offer the reading group, Great Cases of the Supreme Court, in Spring 2025.
6/3/2024Professor Anthea Roberts’ Fall 2024 course, International Economic Law: Current Crises and Future Possibilities, has been cancelled.
5/31/2024Professors Louis Kaplow, Lucian Bebchuk, and Kathryn Spier’s Fall 2024 seminar, Research Seminar in Law, Economics, and Organizations, has been adjusted to a two-credit offering.

The full-year and Spring 2025 only sections have been cancelled.
5/31/2024Professor Melissa Jacoby will offer the reading group, Commercial Law and Inequality, in Fall 2024.
5/30/2024Judge David Barron and Professor Benjamin Eidelson will offer the reading group, The Constitution and the Idea of Progress, in Spring 2025.
5/30/204Professor Jesse Fried will offer the seminar, New Horizons in the Middle East, in Fall 2024.
5/13/2024Courses with open seats and no waitlist for Fall 2024
5/6/2024Judge Patti Saris will offer the seminar, Facts and Lies, in Fall 2024. This offering is available to add in Helios now.
5/2/2024Ms. Diane Rosenfeld will offer the courses, Gender Violence, Law, and Social Justice, Title IX: Sports, Sex and Equality on Campus, and the reading groups, Bonobo Sisterhood, and Feminist Utopias, in Spring 2025.
4/30/2024Mr. John Finley will offer the reading group, Private Equity Public Policy Issues, in Fall 2024. This offering is available to add in Helios now.
4/23/2024Professor Michael Gregory and Ms. Crisanne Hazen will offer the seminar, Youth Advocacy & Policy Seminar, in Fall 2024.
4/19/2024Ms. Betsy Miller’s Fall 2024 course, Polarities: Harnessing the Power of Opposites to Lead Effectively, will satisfy the Negotiation/Leadership requirement.
4/18/2024Fall 2024 Electives with open seats download
4/18/2024List of offerings with open JD seats and no waitlist is available here.
4/17/2024Both Professor Guhan Subramanian’s Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 sections of Deals will satisfy the Negotiation/Leadership requirement.
4/12/2024Professor David Lopez will offer the seminar, Law and the Legal System through the Lens of Latinx/a/o Communities, in Fall 2024.
4/12/2024Professor Vlad Perju will offer the course, Constitutional Law: Separation of Powers, Federalism, and Fourteenth Amendment, in Fall 2024.
4/12/2024Ms. Julie McCormack will offer the seminar, Poverty Law Workshop: Leveraging the Safety Net to Address Homelessness & Advance Equity, in Spring 2025.
4/12/2024Ms. Betsy Miller will offer the course, Polarities: Harnessing the Power of Opposites to Lead Effectively, in Fall 2024.
4/12/2024Ms. Stephanie Robinson will offer the course, Race & The Law: America’s Ongoing Struggle with Changing Conceptions of Race, in Fall 2024 on Mondays and Tuesdays from 10:30am to 12:00pm.
4/11/2024Professor Michael Klarman will offer the course, Constitutional History I: From the Founding to the Civil War, in Spring 2025.
4/8/2024Professor Urs Gasser will offer the course, International AI Law and Governance, in Winter 2025.
4/8/2024Professor Shaun Ossei-Owusu will offer a section of Legal Profession in Fall 2024.
4/8/2024Professor Michele DeStefano’s Winter 2025 Legal Profession course will meet over the first two weeks of the winter term from 9am to 11:45am.
4/8/2024Mr. Mark Popofsky will offer the seminar, Antitrust and Intellectual Property, in Fall 2024.
4/8/2024Mr. Vladimir Bosiljevac will offer the course, Investments Workshop: Public and Private Equity, in Spring 2025.
4/8/2024Judge Caitlin Halligan and Judge Michael Garcia will offer the reading group, State Constitutionalism, in Fall 2024.
4/8/2024Professor Jeannie Suk Gersen will offer the course, Art Law Litigation, in Fall 2024.
4/5/2024Ms. Stephanie Robinson will offer two seminars, Law & Democracy: The Incomplete Experiment and Media Images & The Law: Contesting Media in the Modern Era, in Spring 2025, along with the course, Race & The Law: America’s Ongoing Struggle with Changing Conceptions of Race, in Fall 2024 (fall schedule is forthcoming).
4/5/2024Professor Aziza Ahmed will offer the course, Reproductive Rights and Justice, and the seminar, Race, Racism, and the Law, in Spring 2025.
4/5/2024Judge David Barron, Professor Archon Fung, and Ms. Sarah Wald will offer the seminar, Public Problems: Advice, Strategy, and Analysis, in Fall 2024.
4/5/2024Professor Tyler Giannini will offer the seminar, Climate Change and Human Rights: Legal Innovations and Social Entrepreneurship in Action, in Spring 2025.
4/3/2024Professor Molly Brady will offer the course, State and Local Government Law, in Spring 2025.
4/2/2024Mr. Mark Gordon and Ms. Meng Lu will offer the course, Mergers and Acquisitions Workshop: Boardroom Strategies and Deal Tactics, in Fall 2024.
4/2/2024Professor Richard Banks will offer the course, Race, Meritocracy, and Justice on Campus: The Crisis of Elite Higher Education, in Winter 2025.
4/2/2024The Winter 2025 Negotiation Workshop is now a 3 credit offering taking place in just the winter term.
4/1/2024Professor Anne Orford will offer the course, Climate Change and the Politics of International Law, in Spring 2025.
3/29/2024Professor Martha Minow and Ms. Maroussia Levesque will offer the seminar, Comparative AI Governance, in Spring 2025.
3/29/2024Ms. Havva Guney-Ruebenacker will offer the reading group, Slavery and Abolition in Islamic and Western Legal Thought, in Spring 2025.
3/29/2024Professor Bala Dharan will offer the courses, Introduction to Accounting and Introduction to Finance Concepts 4-Day Section, in Fall 2024. And will offer the courses, Introduction to Accounting 3-Week Section and Business Valuation and Analysis, in Spring 2025.
3/27/2024Professor Michele DeStefano will offer a section of Legal Profession in Winter 2025. Scheduling details are forthcoming.
3/27/2024Professor Michael Sandel will offer the seminar, Ethics, Economics and the Law, in Fall 2024.
3/27/2024Professor Allen Ferrell will offer the following seminars, The Past and Future of the Music Business and Law and Finance of Venture Capital and Start-ups, in Fall 2024.
3/27/2024Judge Thomas Griffith’s Winter 2025 course, The Role of the Article III Judge, will meet Mondays through Fridays from 1:00-3:15pm.
3/27/2024Professor William Alford’s Fall 2024 seminar, Engaging China, will meet on Mondays from 6-8pm.
3/26/2024Ms. Medha Gargeya and Mr. Joshua Gardner will offer the course, Legal Profession: Government Lawyering, in Spring 2025.
3/25/2024Professor Benjamin Eidelson will offer the seminar, Topics in Law and Philosophy, in Fall 2024.
3/25/2024Professor Roberto Tallarita’s seminar, Law, Business, and the Public Good, will now be offered in Spring 2025.
3/25/2024Professors Roberto Unger and John Stauffer’s course, American Democracy, will now meet on Wednesdays from 1-3pm in Spring 2025.

Professor Roberto Unger’s course, Progressive Alternatives: Institutional Reconstruction Now, will now meet on Tuesdays from 1-3pm in Spring 2025.
3/25/2024Professor Rory Van Loo will offer the reading group, Consumer Technologies, Regulations, and Markets, in Fall 2024.
3/25/2024Professor Catharine MacKinnon will offer the course, Sex Equality, and the seminar, Advanced Problems in Sex Equality, in Fall 2024.