Dear EC, with R.Forsberg, J.-P. Barriot, Ch.Reigber. Agenda of meeting of the executive committee in Cairns, Australia, August 24, 2005, afternoon. Material in Draft Agenda: (Revised 2005-06-02) 1. Adoption of agenda. 2. Cairns meeting (CR) 3. IUGG Perugia - proposals for union and inter-association symposia (CCT, all members). 4. IUGG/IAG Perugia planning. (CCT) 5. IUGG Glaciology Commission/Association (note earlier vote), (GB) 6. GGOS status and leadership (HD, GB,CRi) 7. Planetary ICC status (JPB) 8. Standards ICC/Committee - status / New GRS in 2007 after GRACE ? (CCT) 9. IGFS status (RF) 10. Altimetry Service status (HD) 11. Review of working groups (recommendations from commission presidents on stopping non-working entities) 12. Interface/MoU between commissions and services. (GB). 13. Cassinis Committee work (review of statutes/by-laws and structure) (KPS) 14. Nomination Committee (GB) 15. Best Young Author Award (CCT/J.Geodesy C.) 17. Sponsorship of meetings, workshops, symposia. (CCT). 17a. Citation of products from IAG Services (RN). 17b. Proposed changes in UTC. (VD) 18. Next meeting (CCT) 17. AOB Acronyms: GB=Gerhard Beutler, CCT=CCT, CR=Chris Rizos, CRi = Chris Reigber, HD=Herman Drewes, JPB=Jean-Pierre Barriot,RN=Ruth Neilan, KPS=Klaus-Peter Schwarz. Document: H:\iag\ecag05rev1.txt C.C.Tscherning, secretary general