
What is the most important element to drive sustainability within an organisation: facts or passion?

Key takeaways from the “Sustainability as a Growth Driver" panel discussion at Cannes Lions 2024

    PUBLISHED 30 JULY, 2024

      Deputy executive editor at The Economist, Kenneth Cukier, moderated a conversation at Cannes on “Sustainability as a Growth Driver" featuring Laura Maness, Global CEO at Grey, Robert Haigh, Head Of Strategy & Sustainability at Brand Finance, Khensani Nobanda, Chief Marketing Officer at Nedbank. The conversation revealed:

      Sustainability is now the material driver of consumer and customer demand across industries, even as the importance of sustainability still widely varies within each sector. The sector reaping the largest rewards from its sustainable product offering was a surprise!

      Data must be leveraged to demonstrate the profitability of sustainability strategies to measure impact, and make the case for further commitments to sustainability.

      Embedding sustainability within the corporate culture is vital to address systemic issues including pay equity and inherent biases, among others. It should be visible and authentic, aligning with the company's core values and engaging both employees and consumers.

      Views or opinions expressed are those of the author and any individuals cited, and do not necessarily reflect those of Economist Impact or any other member of The Economist Group.

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