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Customer Story: Better Moments

A collage featuring a photographer and photos of beautiful global destinations.

As a veteran of the international professional photography industry, Christian Nørgaard knew that photo enthusiasts all over the world often travel to capture something special. Whether it’s a series of photos of their favorite destination or a once-in-a-lifetime shot, serious photographers are willing to go the distance – and with that, Better Moments was established. Founded in 2011 by Nørgaard, Better Moments goes beyond the photo tour by delivering a distinctive photo workshop experience in unique destinations to help guests hone their skills and produce moments to cherish for a lifetime. 

Better Moments has become a leader in organizing opportunities for photography enthusiasts to learn from some of the best photographers in their fields and sharpen their skills in scenic locations. Nørgaard sought a way to share this experience online, showcase photography, share industry knowledge and technical advice, and entice potential customers with information about what they could experience through tours in various destinations. 

As a publisher on Issuu since 2012, we wanted to learn more about Better Moments and how Issuu helps them reach their goals. We spoke to CEO and Founder Christian Nørgaard and Head of Communications and Marketing Mikkel Holst. 

Hi Christian and Mikkel, can you tell us about your organization and what you do?

Christian: Sure. Better Moments was originally founded in 2011 as a platform for organizing private photo workshops. Our focus is primarily on travel, wildlife, and portrait photography at unique locations all around the world. 

When you found Issuu, what problem were you looking to solve?

Mikkel: Our online presentation was already quite strong and informative, which is important to us. However, as an extra selling point, we immediately saw the benefit of composing online catalogs detailing our workshops, and in that regard, Issuu was a no-brainer. 

What's most important for us so far is that our clients are able to look at a high-end product online just as if browsing through a magazine, while at the same time being able to download and share it. We have been able to share the catalog through our social platforms as well. 

Do you combine print and digital publishing efforts, or are you strictly digital?

Mikkel: As a business, we're strictly digital. However, our guests receive their pictures in a format that allows them to print them out for themselves.

What role does digital content play in your overall business and marketing strategy? 

Christian: My ultimate goal with content is to generate new leads. We use Issuu to promote our services and to encourage people to sign up for our photography workshops.

What kind of impact has digital publishing had on your organization and the success of your marketing efforts?

Mikkel: It is difficult to say how much the catalogs have impacted our marketing efforts online. However, our clients have been immensely happy receiving the catalogs and being able to print them. As such, it cannot be understated that digital publishing makes a difference in our efforts.

From the beginning, people visiting our platform could download our catalogs free of charge and without any caveats. Today, however, anyone who wants to receive our catalogs needs to subscribe to our newsletter in order for us to be able to market directly to them.

What features do you use the most within Issuu?

Mikkel: I’m an avid user of the Embed feature, GIFs, and Fullscreen viewing links. It’s useful that we can get traffic and link the publication to our website. 

Aside from Issuu, what tools are in your content marketing toolbox?

We have a great handful of tools vis-a-vis social marketing of our workshops, but the cornerstones are our own platform, Facebook, Instagram, and our direct mailing client (Mailchimp).

How do you typically share your publications with your audience?

We share content in two ways: by embedding the publication directly onto our site and creating a GIF within Issuu to use as a teaser. There’s a great example here under ‘Get Inspiration’.

When thinking about future content publishing plans, what excites you the most? Is there anything you’re looking forward to trying?

We may try experimenting with the Issuu + Mailchimp integration so I can share our GIFs directly with the Mailchimp content studio. It will remove extra steps in my creation-to-distribution process. 

Better Moments chooses Issuu for: 
  • Embed: Better Moments uses the Embed feature to showcase their latest publications directly on their website. 

  • GIFs: Better Moments uses GIFs as a way to share the latest guides and content for individual tours and packages. This helps drive traffic from other digital spaces. 

  • Fullscreen Sharing: As a company focused on photography, Better Moments displays its content in fullscreen to showcase the excellent quality it’s known to provide.

Thank you, Christian and Mikkel, for sharing your time with us. We look forward to seeing what you’ll publish next!

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