MONITORA Protocol for Monitoring Racism in Sport

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Protocol for Monitoring Racism in Sport

Monitora Project Proposal


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D.2.3. Protocol for Monitoring Racism in Sport Monitora

Project Proposal

Definition of monitoring

Monitoring is a relevant tool to understand the level of diffusion of a given phenomenon in a community. It is a methodological tool that is well applied in Europe on various topics at local and national, continental or international level. The objective of monitoring discrimination in sport should be to systematically investigate the forms of discrimination that cross the world of sport on a daily basis. In this way, the dynamics and characteristics of discrimination can be detected and analysed and effective strategies for prevention, mitigation and protection of those affected can be defined. EU member states have been urged on several occasions to equip themselves with organised mechanisms for reporting and managing discriminatory behaviours in the world of sport and with monitoring and data collection systems in cooperation with sports federations.1

The best monitoring systems adopt a holistic perspective capable of capturing numerous elements of reality through multiple interpretations (socioeconomic-cultural) and scales (local, regional, national, continental). In the case of a monitoring on discrimination (e.g. ethnicracial) it is necessary to combine a qualitative and quantitative analysis of discrimination reports with data collection, processing and dissemination. In this way, a close connection can be established between monitoring results and services and interventions to support, protect and compensate people who are affected by racist discrimination and violence.

The development of a monitoring process is made up of several stages, which we shall see in detail further on, and that we can outline here: the definition of the objective (exclusively data collection or contrast with concrete actions) and of the object of study; the selection of operational terminology and reference indicators; the identification of the subjects to be involved (target) and the definition of the context; the analysis of the representation of the phenomenon (e.g. whether and how it is reported in the media) and the definition of the modalities of intervention (once

1 See ECRI, General Policy Recommendation No. 12 on Combating Racism and Racial Discrimination in Sport adopted on 19 December 2008, Strasbourg, 19 March 2009, p. 5, here: ecri-general-policyrecommendation-no-12-on-combating-racismand-racia/16808b5ae7 and FRA, Racism, ethnic discrimination and exclusion of migrants and minorities in sport: The situation in the European Union. Summary Report 2010, p. 13 available here: fra_uploads/1206-FRA-report-Racism-in-sports-summaryEN-2010-10-28.pdf.


the information has been obtained, what can be done concretely). We can distinguish monitoring into two types: pro-active and reactive.

Pro-active monitoring aims to anticipate and prevent possible negative consequences of the identified phenomenon. They investigate with a predictive function, i.e. with the intention of foreseeing the possible development of events, through the support of methodologies and tools useful to perceive problems in advance, so as to plan appropriate actions in time. In the case of monitoring discrimination in sport, all the prevention tools would be activated to try to prevent the phenomenon from developing, with awareness-raising campaigns, training courses on specific topics and preventive contrast actions (such as preliminary sanctions). The actions would be ‘on the ground’ (meaning the result of pro-active research to find subjects to involve) and aimed at preventing the spread of the phenomenon under investigation (in this case racism in sport);

Reactive monitoring operates on the basis of a reaction to facts, events, phenomena that have already occurred. They investigate with a reactive function, i.e. with the intention of responding to facts previously detected, by means of structures and methodologies capable of effectively counteracting or modifying their trajectory. In the case of monitoring discrimination in the world of sport, actions would start after the occurrence of discrimination and with the intention of limiting its effects. Actions would consist of favouring receptive mechanisms, such as reports or testimonies, by making the necessary structures (e.g. contact centres, helplines, territorial counselling services) available to those involved (targets) to detect incidents or information, while waiting for the victims or witnesses of discrimination to take action.


The definition of the objective

The first phase of a monitoring is the definition of the objective of the investigation. This is a preliminary phase that must be approached with precision because it will guide the entire structure of the monitoring and the conclusions to which it will lead.

In order to understand some of the mistakes to be avoided, we can cite a monitoring carried out by UISP in the SENTRY project.2

The project developed a common methodology for monitoring, preventing and mediating discrimination in sports venues and beyond, based on the role grassroots sport can play in addressing discrimination and supporting victims. The intentions of the project were to monitor all forms of discrimination in sport through the training of staff, the dissemination and administration of a questionnaire to simplify complaints, and to call for the creation of a European database on discrimination in sport. The project achieved good results, however, the difficulty in wanting to monitor all forms of discrimination (antiGypsyism, anti-Semitism, homolesbobitransphobia, ableism, racism, sexism, etc.) and not focusing


Sport and Culture Association - ISCA (Denmark), European Forum for Urban SecurityEfus (France); Fundacio Red Deporte y Cooperacion - RDC (Spain); Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation - VIDC (Austria) and Koinoniki Synetairistiki Epicheirissyllogikis Kai Koinonikis OfeleiasenDrasei - KONSEP en DRASEI (Greece) and Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti - UISP (Italy).

Among the difficulties that emerged:

• training became difficult and too complex (it is easier to train the staff in identifying a specific discrimination);

• the over-extension of the target complicated the possibility of complaints and concrete actions (an over-extended target requires more resources and does not simplify the reporting procedure);

• the selection of an overly heterogeneous target created complications from a methodological criteria point of view (and thus in continuing with studies on an excessively varied sample);

• The decision to monitor all forms of discrimination risked simplifying the results that emerged, from an excessively quantitative point of view, without delving into the deep social, cultural, economic and political causes that each form of discrimination brings with it.

Based on SENTRY’s experience, we can see that the most effective choice for monitoring is to identify a specific phenomenon to be monitored (e.g. racism) in a specific context (e.g. sport) and to involve those subjects (targets) who are related to the chosen phenomenon (e.g. racialised or Afrodescendant people).


Development phases of a monitoring

On the basis of past experiences, we can summarise the main steps in the development of a monitoring in a few points:

Establish the objective

Effective monitoring establishes the objective of its investigation at the beginning. The objectives can be: official data collection and monitoring activities on discrimination in the world of sport; monitoring initiatives promoted by civil society; the representation of racism in sport in the media (traditional media and social networks) experimented by associations or public or private research institutes;

Identifying the object

Identifying the object (phenomenon) to be monitored is an important step in monitoring. This may be a phenomenon with micro or macro dimensions, contemporary or past, specific or global. The identification of the phenomenon to be monitored is accompanied by research on the available literature. This action has a pre-selective function that directs the search towards a specific phenomenon in line with the academic-scientific bibliography. An example of an object to be monitored could be racism, which will then have to be empirically defined through the choice of indicators to be collected.

Define operational terminology

The choice of the most appropriate terminology is crucial for good monitoring, both out of respect for those involved and for methodological correctness. It would be advisable to opt for the use of terms shared by the legalnormative apparatus and the national and European academic world. The reference to the scientific-academic bibliography would limit the debatable nature of the use of certain more controversial terms. In the case of monitoring racism, for example, it is necessary to make explicit


from the beginning what is meant by reference to the category “racism” or the category “ethnicity”.

Select indicators

By “indicators” we mean a semantic representation link between a general concept and a more specific concept of which we can give a clearer definition. In the case of monitoring racism, indicators could be reported or sanctioned incidents of discrimination.

Identify the subjects

By “subjects”, we mean the people who as targets of the phenomenon under investigation will be the focus of the monitoring. In the case of monitoring on racism, the subjects (targets) potentially involved will be the racialised people. This is followed by an empirical definition of what the targets are (which communities and according to what characteristic they will be the target of racist discrimination or violence). We could define the target as Afrodescendants, that is, people with black skin pigmentation or common African descent who are targeted for these characteristics (if they are also targeted for other characteristics they are victims of multiple discrimination) or include people from other continents who are exposed to racialisation processes because of their somatic, “ethnic” characteristics or national origins.

Define the context

By “context” we mean the chosen location where the monitoring will delve into the dimension of the phenomenon under investigation. This location allows the monitoring to be spatially and chronologically delimited, which improves its accuracy and degree of scientific validity. In the case of monitoring racism in the world of sport, it would be useful to define the sports disciplines monitored and the levels of sporting practice involved.


Define a classification of the levels of sports practice being monitored

The classification should facilitate the emergence and visibility of recurrent cases of discrimination and racism not only in professional and elite sport, but also in amateur and grassroots sport.

Four categories could be distinguished:

Professional/elite sport: this category could include all sports with professional athletes and top competitions reserved for sports not included in professional, but nevertheless elite, sport;

High and medium level amateur sport: this group includes high and medium level amateur competitions, for which the athlete(s) involved receive a salary or compensation for their performance;

Amateur sport and competitive grassroots sport: the varied world of amateur sport falls into this category. This is the large world of grassroots sport in which people, teams, and participants engage in competitions out of passion, without earning any financial remuneration. It includes championships, tournaments and competitions at the lowest level of the federations, youth base tournaments and almost all the competitive activities of the sports promotion bodies;

Recreational and non-competitive physical activity: this includes all those activities and disciplines that do not aim to compete and compete with others (in any case with oneself), but whose aim is to promote one’s psychophysical wellbeing: from yoga courses to walking, from participation in noncompetitive races to free swimming in the pool.


Investigating the representation of the phenomenon

An element that must be kept in mind and that can often also be the ultimate goal of a monitoring is the representation of the phenomenon studied. Investigating whether, how and in what way the phenomenon under study is represented in the media (traditional and social networks) on a national or local scale is of great interest in order to verify if and how much it is the subject of public and media debate. In the case of monitoring racism in sport, it could be useful to investigate how national sports newspapers report (thus represent) racism in sport.

Selecting modalities of intervention

The modalities of intervention in a monitoring are linked to the objectives initially set (data collection, awarenessraising or support for actions already hypothesised). Among these, we can identify some in the case of monitoring discrimination in sport: provide victims of discrimination with support in reporting to the competent authorities and during any judicial or administrative proceedings; promote the adoption of positive actions to avoid situations of disadvantage that may be linked to “ethnic-racial” origin; receive and examine reports/complaints from potential victims or witnesses of unequal treatment and urge public and sports institutions to take action to prevent and combat discrimination in sport.


Recommendations for an effective monitoring

In the framework of dialogue with various European monitoring organisations, numerous recommendations emerged regarding what could be done and what should be avoided in order to make monitoring more effective; we summarise some of them here:

What to avoid:

The lack of dialogue between the entities or subjects involved in monitoring (often because they are subjects of different sizes and with a disparity of power: e.g. local authority and national subject, grassroots sports associations and national federations);

The lack of transparency of the data collected, namely the impossibility to share them, makes large-scale developments difficult;

The scarce attention paid by numerous surveys on discrimination to the field of sport, as if it was not relevant or surrounded by racist incidents;

The non-involvement in monitoring of people (targets) affected by the phenomenon under investigation. For example, in a monitoring on racism one cannot fail to involve racialised communities;

What to do:

Monitoring should be permanent, multilevel (local, regional, national) and carried out in different contexts (work, school, sport, etc.). For example, with the establishment of territorial observatories capable of detecting and combating discrimination;

In the case of a monitoring on discrimination or racism, it is crucial that the organisations involved clearly establish what is meant by “discrimination” and “racism”. Once the operative language has been clarified, measures that can be adopted can be envisaged;


It is necessary to offer safe spaces for reporting (and counteract underreporting), but these must be followed up with concrete actions, so that the person is not deterred from reporting;

Cooperation between several actors (networks) is necessary so that the information and data collected can paint a broader picture (local, regional, national) and it is easier to activate preventive measures. For example, with the collaboration between different sports bodies such as grassroots sports organisations and national federations;

Broaden the network as much as possible (such as organisations, associations, institutions, etc.) to be involved in the development of monitoring. These entities include territorial, national or continental entities that can play an active role in monitoring or supporting it;

In the case of monitoring racism in sport, the actors to be involved will be potential victims (encouraged to report incidents of discrimination) and actors able to act as witnesses, educators or decision-makers/ authorities in cases of discrimination (competition judges and coaches, but also collective actors: from equal treatment authorities, to sports institutions (federations and clubs), clubs, grassroots sports associations);

The monitoring also includes the dimension of institutional racism, meaning that form of discrimination whereby a person is excluded or discriminated against indirectly, without explicit reference to his or her characteristics (e.g. skin colour) but in such a way that anyone with those specific characteristics is excluded. An example could be, for example, the fact that athletes who are not European citizens are not guaranteed equal access to national and international sports competitions compared to European citizens;

It is important to urge multi-level public institutions (national or supranational governments) to comply with national legislation or EU guidelines on antidiscrimination in general and in the world of sport in particular;

It is necessary to promote awareness-raising campaigns and training courses on what discrimination is and how to fight it in different spheres besides sport and at different levels of sport (professional, amateur, etc.). Of particular importance is the promotion of information,


awareness-raising and training activities against discrimination and racism aimed at young people and schools;

The importance of social networks both in spreading racism and in promoting anti-racism campaigns should not be underestimated.

Recommendations for a classification system

A monitoring needs a classification system capable of methodologically defining how the indicators chosen for the survey will be collected. The classification system devised by the National Observatory against Discrimination in Sport “Mauro Valeri”, set up in Italy on an experimental basis in 2020 to monitor forms of discrimination in the world of grassroots sport in greater depth, offers some useful indications. 3

The classification system adopted allows the information collected to be disaggregated according to the following variables:

• The type of discriminatory act or behaviour (discrimination, verbal violence, physical violence or damage to property or assets). Verbal violence, which is the most common, is disaggregated into three main categories: racist insults, threats or violence; propaganda (writing, banners, leaflets, posters with discriminatory content); public demonstrations (racist chants fall into this category);

• the geographical area (municipality, province and region);

• the sports disciplines involved;

• the sport level (professional/elite, high and medium level amateur; amateur and competitive grassroots sport; recreational and noncompetitive activity);

• the discriminatory motive: somatic traits, national or “ethnic” origins, religious affiliation and beliefs, status of ability, gender, sexual orientation;

• the gender and nationality of the victims;

• the age group of the victims (minors 0-17 years, young people 18-29 years, adults 30-64 years, elderly 65 years and over);

3 The Observatory came into being thanks to a memorandum of understanding signed by Unar with UISP APS (Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti) and Lunaria APS. The text of the Protocol is available here:


• the groups of actors of discrimination (players, individual or group fans, referees, sports officials, private citizens, fascist/Nazi fan groups);

• the age group of the actors of discrimination (minors 0-17 years, young people 18-29 years, adults 30-64 years, seniors 65 years and older);

• the type of victims’ reactions (report to the competent authorities, report though public statement, no report);

• the type of sanctions taken (disciplinary, against the club, against the managers, no sanction).


The Spad monitoring experience in Bologna (Italy)

The SPAD Observatory is managed by COSPE for the Antidiscrimination Help-Centre of the Municipality of Bologna. The Observatory analyses information on reports made directly to the Help centre by victims or witnesses of discrimination. It deserves to be mentioned because it represents a model of territorial observatory, developed in co-design between the municipal administration and 33 local associations, which closely connects monitoring activities with the protection of victims of discrimination.

Information on individual cases is initially collected in a survey form filled in by the helpcentre operator, leaving the user free to provide only the information he or she deems appropriate, and then entered into a database that is used only by the centre operators. The data is then anonymised, entered into a second database and processed.

The published data provide information on the modality (Direct, Indirect, Institutional, Systemic, Perceived) and type of discrimination reported (Differential treatment, Verbal assault, Physical assault, Vandalism, Hate speech), the motive (Religion, Origin/Nationality, Ethnic origin, Gender identity and expression, Sexual orientation, Disability, Age, Socioeconomic status, Other personal conditions), to the discriminating agents (Private entities, Public services or administration, Private citizens, Systemic discrimination, Law enforcement, No perpetrator identified). Finally, some personal details of the users (age, country of origin), scope and location of the discrimination and type of interventions undertaken by the service are recorded. In the current classification system, discrimination in the field of sport is expected to be classified within the “leisure time” category.

The working methodology adopted combines a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the discrimination reports collected and recorded. The analysis is then supplemented with the reflections and information provided by the SPAD team with respect to the work undertaken on the project during the same period of experimentation.

Overall, SPAD presents itself as a virtuous reality for several aspects: its highly participative nature resulting from constant dialogue and mediation between local realities, citizens and the municipal administration;

its intention to monitor, collect, analyse and process data arising from the reports received is due to its desire to guide the Administration’s actions, not only externally but also internally; its “intersectional” approach to discrimination allows to capture the complexity of “multiple” and “intersectional” discrimination, marked by an overlap of discriminatory factors (disability, ethnicity, age, gender, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, etc.); the network of associations and bodies involved in the design and management of the SPAD project allows it to function properly throughout the territory through a constant dialogue between multiple local realities.


FC Kraainem’s informal monitoring experience (Belgium)

FC Kraainem is a football club located in the homonymous town near Brussels. A historic Belgian club founded in 1924, FC Kraainem is known for developing diversity inclusion activities within its sporting practice, and in particular for its involvement in refugee inclusion projects. A commitment it has been pursuing since the migration crisis of 2015.

The club does not have a structured and systematic monitoring system, but promotes several informal monitoring initiatives. FC Kraainmen’s manager and player Benjamin Renauld described the monitoring system within the club as constant training of professional members and volunteers, including parents and others who are not directly included in the club’s organisational chart. For the training, the club works with a network of civil society organisations, but also with the support of public bodies such as Unia, or the staff of refugee reception centres.

The club recognises the importance of creating synergies and collaborations on the field in order to create a network of multi-stakeholders interested in diversity. In parallel, the club has placed an emphasis on creating a community, both as a local community in the areas where the club’s facilities are located, and in the world of football in general.

Particularly important is the development and circulation of knowledge in the field of those mechanisms of discrimination that are often hidden or trivialised in everyday sports practice. Interestingly, within FC Kraainem, training courses also exist in the form of peer shadowing; individual relationships between members, particularly between older and younger members, are considered central to fostering the circulation of up-to-date and contextualised knowledge, which is extremely useful for the identification of new problems and complex situations. In addition to training, FC Kraainem organizes recurring meetings and group activities to share and discuss discrimination issues. These are informal, non-mandatory meetings held on an ongoing basis to update knowledge and internal monitoring of any forms of discrimination and racism that may have occurred, although these are not the only items on the agenda.

The main function of the meetings is to share problems and propose solutions in the form of recommendations, e.g., to coaches and parents, or presentation of best practices. External stakeholders may also be invited. The monitoring methodology provided is mainly informal, although action is systematically taken when cases of discrimination occur; solutions can be taken either internally or externally, when the most serious cases exceed the responsibility of the club.

FC Kraainem’s internal meetings have also helped develop a culture of problem-sharing within the club community, which is extremely helpful in intercepting forms of micro- and everyday discrimination that are often hidden, commonly accepted, or not recognized as such.


MONITORA is a project promoted by Lunaria (Italy) in collaboration with ISCA (Denmark), LIIKKUKAA (Finland), Stop Racism in Sport (Belgium), UISP (Italy), Liège Université (Belgium), United for Intercultural Action (Hungary) and supported by the Erasmus+ program. The project aims to strengthen the capacities and professional skills of civil society organizations, grassroots sports practitioners, and local and national institutions in monitoring and reporting discrimination in sports, increase its visibility, and identify strategic actions to prevent and counter it.

Info: Lunaria, [email protected]



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