On-Site-Energy™ Presents C-NETS™

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We modify air and water molecules to REDUCE COOLING & HEATING Time which REDUCES HVAC Operating Costs by an Average of 25%

Reduce HVAC Operating Costs by 25% 1

The Ultimate CASH FLOW Enhancement Tool for ANY Commercial Building that has HVAC Units. Includes a Supplement for Hotels and the Hospitality Industry

© MarketPower USA, LLC for On-Site-Energy.com – All Rights Reserved

How to Boost the Net Profit of Any Business with HVAC Units Without adding new profit centers There are basically Only TWO Ways: 1. Reduce Operating Costs 2. Increase Occupancy and Gross Sales ™ C-NETS Does #1 for Businesses ™ C-NETS Can do BOTH for Hotels

© MarketPower USA, LLC for On-Site-Energy.com – All Rights Reserved

How it Works!


Stagnant Air is drawn in by HVAC Units

Clean Air is produced by each C-NET


A Proven Technology To REDUCE HVAC Each Continewm NET (C-NET) is a proprietary Energy Costs by 25% “Easy-to-Install” flexible air purification system that has the unparalleled benefit of REDUCING HVAC Energy Operating Cost by as much as 25%. Read on…..you will be astonished…

© MarketPower USA, LLC for On-Site-Energy.com – All Rights Reserved



Large Air Molecules are broken apart by an electrostactic negative charge of the C-NET

Clean Smaller Air Molecules are EASIER TO HEAT and COOL, thus the HVAC uses approximately 25% less energy as a result of the C-NET

Cleaner, Safer, Softer Air that Reduces HVAC Operating Costs Up to 25%

The C-NET purifies the air, making it SOFTER, SAFER, and REFRESHING TO BREATHE.

Each Continewm NET (C-NET) is a proprietary “Easy-to-Install” flexible air purification system that has the unparalleled benefit of REDUCING HVAC Energy Operating Cost by as much as 25%. In a Hotel setting, Guests will have an ENHANCED EXPERIENCE of having breathed cleaner, softer, safer air throughout the night. We have an OPTIONAL In-Room Education Campaign that is designed to increase Guest LOYALTY.

ABOUT C-NETS™ by Continewm® C-NETS™ by CONTINEWM® is a revolutionary AIR TREATMENT SYSTEM specifically designed for all types of HVAC systems, offering energy-saving benefits and effective air purification. Crafted from high-quality polyethylene (PE), the nets are infused with a unique blend of minerals that possess two remarkable natural properties: Emission of Far Infrared Rays and Ionization. C-NETS are easily installed at the air return, precisely positioned between the air filter and the coil, in both split types and ducted central systems. Once installed, C-NETS exert a continuous and passive influence on the air, creating a long-lasting positive impact. The performance of C-NETS by CONTINEWM® has been extensively evaluated and certified by users, as well as verified by reputable third-party laboratories.


™ C-NETS Cleaner, Safer, Softer Air that Reduces HVAC Operating Costs Up to 25%

For More Details regarding the Science and Technology of C-Nets by Contimewm, Please see the attached Technology Exhibit Slides at the end of this presentation

Vertical Markets

Every place there’s HVAC™ Hotels, Resorts & Hospitality

REITS & Major Property Owners

HVAC Service Contractors

Food Markets, Restaurants & Fast Food


Highrises Small Offices & Banks

ESCO Strategic Partners

C-NETS are Ideal for any location that has HVAC Units. Ask for our Low-Cost Assessment and Financial Proforma* *Assessment & Proforma Fee is applicable to Purchase.

Retailers & Big Box Stores

3 Compelling “Must-Have” Benefits of C-NETS™ 1

25% energy REDUCTION on HVAC systems

Better, MORE CONSISTENT Temperature homogeneity


Makes YOUR CFO Happy!

Air Atomization • Heat exchange maximization. • Faster cooling & heating of air. • More even distribution of temperature-modified air. • HVAC Electricity consumption is reduced by up to 25%.

• • • •



Makes YOUR Customers Happy!

Makes YOUR Customers CHOOSE YOU over other hotels!

Air Atomization

Natural ionization

Breaks apart water molecules More even air distribution Greater comfort, softer air. Enhanced Customer Sleeping Experience for Hotels.

• Electronegative charge neutralizes positively charged particles • PM2.5 and PM10 Reduction by 50% to 70% • Deodorizes Air

C-NETS™ Stats & Facts 2023 1. ROI - Return of Investment = 12-36 months* 2. History - 12 years of distribution in Japan 3. 20 years of R&D behind the product 4. IP – Patented Precision Production in Japan 5. One-Year Warranty with Life-Time Life-Expectancy

6. Maintenance – ZERO! 7. Size: 19.3” X 19.3” (Can be cut to fit any HVAC) * ROI may vary Depending on cost of electricity and electricity usage of HVAC system. The Company will provide estimates of savings if you provide COMPLETE & ACCURATE DATA.

A Proven Track Record, yet NEW to the USA

C-NETS™ Third-Party Lab Certifications – Verified! Over 20,000 C-Nets are being installed each month in Japan and Thailand. C-Nets are just now being offered in the USA

27.78% energy savings verified

26.50% energy savings verified

24.66% energy savings verified

References: USERS of C-NETS™ by Continewm Prior to Entering the USA Retail



Industrial Data Centers Public buildings

A Company that is EMBRACED by its customers is Blessed.

As we grow our Alliances, we will benefit even more companies.

How C-Nets Work for a Major Resort We make Guests MORE COMFORTABLE and Hotels MORE PROFITABLE! 14

What Happens when C-NETS are installed at Exceptional Resorts?

Ask about our OPTIONAL In-Room Guest Engagement Education Program

Saving Forecast Dashboard – Available for Major Clients Example of MAJOR RESORT Hotel Installation of Continewm NETS for HVAC Operation Cost Savings .

Continewm® x CENTARA Grand Island Resort 60% Electricity bill evolution 2022-2023 Side benefits


150,000.00 140,000.00


100 Air-con share in total electricity bill

130,000.00 120,000.00


110,000.00 100,000.00 90,000.00 80,000.00


Conta ct Partner

Continewm.net [email protected]











- 15%


kWh consum ption on a ir- conditioning

m onths ROI

CONTINEWM® Investment

4 50

24 7,500



138,74 3





to be insta lled

investm ent

m onthly electricity bills

m onthly sa vings

a nnua l sa vings

Centara Grand Resort Saved $139,743 per year!

C-NETS enhance the Customer Experience at this Fine Resort! While Saving the Owners $138,740 per year!

Leadership Contacts Larry Masi

On-Site-Energy.com has partnered with Easy Nets, LLC to bring Continewm into the USA Market.

Founding Partner & CEO of On-Site-Energy.com

609-287-3281 (Please Text) [email protected] A Visionary Leader specializing in HighVelocity Presales of Real Estate & Technologies

Christian Hidden Partner & VP of Engineering On-Site-Energy.com

360-977-2690 (Please Text) [email protected] A Multi-Talented Cost Containment Engineer having overseen a $5 Billion Tech HQ Project

A Division of Dominion Development Group, LLC

Jennie P. Partner & Business Development

Morgan L. Partner & Business Strategy

Thomas L. Partner & VP Engineering

Technology Exhibit Slides For C-Nets by Continewm The following slides explain the science and technology behind the C-Nets. Please pay particular attention to the slide that describes HOW C-Nets can Save 25% of the total HVAC Operating Cost. 19



Installation & Utilization


References, Results & Certifications

How HVAC Operating Costs are Reduced by 25%

How it Works

In simple terms, the C-Nets change the molecular structure of air & water molecules, by braking down LARGE MOLECULES into many SMALL MOLECULES, thereby increasing the surface area of the molecules. This allows the air molecules to be COOLED and HEATED MUCH FASTER. This reduces the run-time of the HVAC system and the operating costs by as much as 25%.

Leadership Contacts Larry Masi

On-Site-Energy.com has partnered with Easy Nets, LLC to bring Continewm into the USA Market.

Founding Partner & CEO of On-Site-Energy.com

609-287-3281 (Please Text) [email protected] A Visionary Leader specializing in HighVelocity Presales of Real Estate & Technologies

Christian Hidden Partner & VP of Engineering On-Site-Energy.com

360-977-2690 (Please Text) [email protected] A Multi-Talented Cost Containment Engineer having overseen a $5 Billion Tech HQ Project

A Division of Dominion Development Group, LLC

Jennie P. Partner & Business Development

Morgan L. Partner & Business Strategy

Thomas L. Partner & VP Engineering

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