Gabriele Brambilla

Gabriele Brambilla

Milano, Lombardia, Italia
2168 follower Oltre 500 collegamenti


DISCLAIMER: opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views of Amazon.

I am a versatile data science professional blending academic rigor with real-world 80/20 pragmatism gained across diverse sectors. I am also proficient at leading small teams, managing projects, and handling multiple stakeholders in a structured global corporate setting.

I have a rich international experience: I spent most of my Ph.D. at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA as a research contractor where I contributed to the understanding of pulsars (here there are a press release and an outreach video about my Ph.D. research: After the completion of my Ph.D., I decided to solve problems with a more immediate impact and I moved to an industry job.

As a data science consultant in Accenture, I worked on many projects focusing on themes like the forecasting of time series, propensity modeling, clustering and gis data. I had exposure to the many souls of the project like changing the business model, functional analysis and algorithm industrialization on big data ecosystems. I have been part of and lead cross-function teams, often organizing the work following agile methodologies. The 80/20 rule and the concept of MVP are always in my mind when I plan a project. The consulting work was also a great viewpoint on the company dynamics and organizational structure.

In Amazon, I have the opportunity to work with very rich datasets to provide our advertisers with powerful insights that so far led to +$15M ads sales. In these years, I largely enriched my knowledge portfolio, mainly with causality, NLP, propensity modeling and Markov chain projects. Digital marketing is an amazing field to explore! In this environment, I also managed projects and tool developments, led escalations and learned how to move in a strongly structured corporate environment.

I am a very friendly person, therefore do not hesitate to send me a connection request!


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  • Grafico Amazon


    Milan, Lombardy, Italy

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    Milano, Lombardia, Italia

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    Milano, Lombardia, Italia

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    Milano, Lombardia, Italia

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    Lecco, Lombardia, Italia

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    Greenbelt, MD, USA

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    Greenbelt, MD, USA


  • Grafico


    Attività e associazioni:Cheeky Scientist Association, Visiting the elderly at the Little Sisters of the Poor

    Full scholarship

    I have spent almost the entirety of my Ph.D. at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt (MD) USA, near Washington DC.

    Thesis title: "Electron Positron Pair Flow and Current Composition in the Pulsar Magnetosphere: steps toward self-consistency"

    During my Ph.D. I joined the Cheeky Scientist Association from which I received training about the industry environment and job market.

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    Attività e associazioni:WorkInPhysics student group, CUSL (Cooperativa Universitaria Studio e Lavoro - non profit student cooperative), Coro Alpino Capitano Grandi (traditional alpine songs choir)

    My thesis included a 6 month visit at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt (MD) USA, near Washington DC.

    Thesis title "Testing Pulsar Magnetosphere Models With The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope"

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    Attività e associazioni:Portofranco, Centro Bartolomeo Garelli, Coro Alpino Capitano Grandi (traditional alpine songs choir)

    For my thesis, I spent 3 months working in the machine shop of the Physics Department, building an instrument that I designed and later used to conduct research on heat transfer in fluids containing nanoparticles.

    Thesis title: "Realizzazione di una Cella per lo Studio del Trasporto di Calore in Nanofluidi Intelligenti" (Realization of a Cell for the Study of Heat Transfer in Smart Nanofluids)

    Scholarship Società Italiana Fisica

Licenze e certificazioni

Esperienze di volontariato

  • Support in the job search

    Centro di Solidarietà (CdS) Milano

    - 5 anni e 3 mesi

    Servizi sociali

    I support people during their job search.




    - 3 anni

    Servizi sociali

    I visited the elderly in the nursing home of the Little Sisters of the Poor in Washington DC. I chatted and played bingo with them.

  • Shop Assistant

    CUSL (Milano)

    - 2 anni


    CUSL is a non-profit cooperative that provides services to college students such as selling office supplies, photocopying study material at very low prices, collecting courses' notes to be provided to students for free. Moreover, at CUSL people are attending similar courses of study, therefore it is easy to ask for advice or to discuss about university issues. The service is provided by student volunteers only.

  • Co-Founder

    Work In Physics Student Group

    - 1 anno e 10 mesi


    • Started group and led 4 person team to foster the awareness of industry careers inside the Physics Department.
    • Organized and raised funds for a cycle of 5 seminars in which professionals with a degree in Physics working outside of academia described their job and career.

  • Tutor

    Centro Bartolomeo Garelli (Buccinasco - MI)

    - 1 anno


    I tutored middle school students in doing their homework, especially in Math.

  • Grafico Associazione Portofranco Milano Onlus


    Associazione Portofranco Milano Onlus

    - 2 anni


    I tutored high school students in doing their homework, especially in Math, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.


  • Electron positron pair flow and current composition in the pulsar magnetosphere

    The Astrophysical Journal

    Gabriele Brambilla, Constantinos Kalapotharakos, Andrey N. Timokhin, Alice K. Harding, Demosthenes Kazanas

    We performed ab-initio Particle-In-Cell (PIC) simulations of a pulsar magnetosphere with electron-positron plasma produced only in the regions close to the neutron star surface. We study how the magnetosphere transitions from the vacuum to a nearly force-free configuration. We compare the resulting force-free like configuration with ones obtained in a PIC simulation where particles…

    Gabriele Brambilla, Constantinos Kalapotharakos, Andrey N. Timokhin, Alice K. Harding, Demosthenes Kazanas

    We performed ab-initio Particle-In-Cell (PIC) simulations of a pulsar magnetosphere with electron-positron plasma produced only in the regions close to the neutron star surface. We study how the magnetosphere transitions from the vacuum to a nearly force-free configuration. We compare the resulting force-free like configuration with ones obtained in a PIC simulation where particles are injected everywhere as well as with macroscopic force-free simulations. We found that although both PIC solutions have similar structure of electromagnetic fields and current density distributions, they have different particle density distribution. In fact in the injection from the surface solution, electrons and positrons counterstream only along parts of the return current regions and most of the particles leave the magnetosphere without returning to the star. We also found that pair production in the outer magnetosphere is not critical for filling the whole magnetosphere with plasma. We study how the current density distribution supporting the global electromagnetic configuration is formed by analyzing particle trajectories. We found that electrons precipitate to the return current layer inside the light cylinder and positrons precipitate to the current sheet outside the light cylinder by crossing magnetic field lines contributing to the charge density distribution required by the global electrodynamics. Moreover, there is a population of electrons trapped in the region close to the Y-point. On the other hand the most energetic positrons are accelerated close to the Y-point. These processes can have observational signatures that, with further modeling efforts, would help to distinguish this particular magnetosphere configuration from others.

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  • Three-dimensional Kinetic Pulsar Magnetosphere Models: Connecting to Gamma-Ray Observations

    The Astrophysical Journal

    Constantinos Kalapotharakos, Gabriele Brambilla, Andrey N. Timokhin, Alice K. Harding, Demosthenes Kazanas

    We present 3D global kinetic pulsar magnetosphere models, where the charged particle trajectories and the corresponding electromagnetic fields are treated self-consistently. For our study, we have developed a cartesian 3D relativistic particle-in-cell code that incorporates the radiation reaction forces. We describe our code and discuss the related technical issues, treatments, and…

    Constantinos Kalapotharakos, Gabriele Brambilla, Andrey N. Timokhin, Alice K. Harding, Demosthenes Kazanas

    We present 3D global kinetic pulsar magnetosphere models, where the charged particle trajectories and the corresponding electromagnetic fields are treated self-consistently. For our study, we have developed a cartesian 3D relativistic particle-in-cell code that incorporates the radiation reaction forces. We describe our code and discuss the related technical issues, treatments, and assumptions. Injecting particles up to large distances in the magnetosphere, we apply arbitrarily low to high particle injection rates and get an entire spectrum of solutions from close to the Vacuum-Retarded-Dipole to close to the Force-Free solution, respectively. For high particle injection rates (close to FF solutions) significant accelerating electric field components are confined only near the equatorial current sheet outside the light-cylinder. The self-consistent nature of our models and a judicious interpretation of them allow the calculation of the particle emission and consequently the derivation of the corresponding realistic high-energy sky-maps and spectra. Using model parameters that cover the entire range of spin-down powers of \emph{Fermi} young and millisecond pulsars, we compare the corresponding model $\gamma$-ray light-curves, cutoff energies, and total $\gamma$-ray luminosities with those observed by \emph{Fermi} to discover a dependence of the particle injection-rate, $\mathcal{F}$, on the spin-down power, $\dot{\mathcal{E}}$, indicating an increase of $\mathcal{F}$ with $\dot{\mathcal{E}}$. Our models guided by \emph{Fermi} observations provide field-structures and particle distributions that are not only consistent with each other but also able to reproduce a broad range of the observed $\gamma$-ray phenomenology of both young and millisecond pulsars.

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  • Fermi Gamma-Ray Pulsars: Understanding the High-energy Emission from Dissipative Magnetospheres

    The Astrophysical Journal

    Constantinos Kalapotharakos, Alice K. Harding, Demosthenes Kazanas, Gabriele Brambilla

    Based on the Fermi observational data, we reveal meaningful constraints for the dependence of the macroscopic conductivity (σ) of dissipative pulsar magnetosphere models on the corresponding spin-down rate, \dot{{ E }}. Our models are refinements of the FIDO (Force-free Inside, Dissipative Outside) models, which have dissipative regions that are restricted on the equatorial current sheet outside of the…

    Constantinos Kalapotharakos, Alice K. Harding, Demosthenes Kazanas, Gabriele Brambilla

    Based on the Fermi observational data, we reveal meaningful constraints for the dependence of the macroscopic conductivity (σ) of dissipative pulsar magnetosphere models on the corresponding spin-down rate, \dot{{ E }}. Our models are refinements of the FIDO (Force-free Inside, Dissipative Outside) models, which have dissipative regions that are restricted on the equatorial current sheet outside of the the light-cylinder. Taking into account the observed cutoff energies of all of the Fermi pulsars and assuming that (a) the corresponding γ-ray pulsed emission is due to curvature radiation at the radiation-reaction-limit regime, and (b) this emission is produced at the equatorial current sheet near the light cylinder, we show that the Fermi data provide clear indications about the corresponding accelerating electric-field components. A direct comparison between the Fermi cutoff energies and the model ones reveals that σ increases with \dot{{ E }} for high \dot{{ E }}-values, while it saturates for low ones. This comparison indicates also that the corresponding gap width increases toward low \dot{{ E }}-values. Assuming the Goldreich-Julian flux for the emitting particles, we calculate the total γ-ray luminosity (L γ ). A comparison between the dependence of the Fermi L γ -values and the model ones on \dot{{ E }} indicates an increase of the emitting particle multiplicity with \dot{{ E }}. Our modeling, guided by the Fermi data alone, enhances our understanding of the physical mechanisms behind the high-energy emission in pulsar magnetospheres.

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  • Testing dissipative magnetosphere model light curves and spectra with FERMI pulsars

    The Astrophysical Journal

    Gabriele Brambilla, Constantinos Kalapotharakos, Alice K. Harding, Demosthenes Kazanas

    We explore the emission properties of a dissipative pulsar magnetosphere model introduced by Kalapotharakos et al. (2014), comparing its high energy light curves and spectra, due to curvature radiation, with data collected by the Fermi LAT. The magnetosphere structure is assumed to be near the force-free solution. The accelerating electric field, inside the light-cylinder, is assumed to be negligible…

    Gabriele Brambilla, Constantinos Kalapotharakos, Alice K. Harding, Demosthenes Kazanas

    We explore the emission properties of a dissipative pulsar magnetosphere model introduced by Kalapotharakos et al. (2014), comparing its high energy light curves and spectra, due to curvature radiation, with data collected by the Fermi LAT. The magnetosphere structure is assumed to be near the force-free solution. The accelerating electric field, inside the light-cylinder, is assumed to be negligible, while outside the light-cylinder it rescales with a finite conductivity (σ). In our approach we calculate the corresponding high energy emission by integrating the trajectories of test particles that originate from the stellar surface, taking into account both the accelerating electric field components and the radiation reaction forces. First we explore the parameter space assuming different value sets for the stellar magnetic field, stellar period, and conductivity. We show that the general properties of the model are in a good agreement with observed emission characteristics of young γ-ray pulsars, including features of the phase resolved spectra. Second we find model parameters that fit each pulsar belonging to a group of eight bright pulsars that have a published phase-resolved spectrum. The σ values that best describe each of the pulsars in this group show an increase with the spin-down rate (Ė) and a decrease with the pulsar age, expected if pair cascades are providing the magnetospheric conductivity. Finally, we explore the limits of our analysis and suggest future directions for improving such models.

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  • Model of Ramification in Electrodeposited Fractals


    Gabriele Brambilla & David B. Hibbert

    The macroscopic branching and shape of a metal, electrodeposited in quasi-two dimensions, can be represented by a Lindenmayer System of multiple iterated function systems. The motif of a central branch that continues and two side branches is shown to allow modeling of the observed shapes. The dilation (or contraction) in length, and the angle of a branch with respect to the central stem are the only parameters needed to create realistic simulations…

    Gabriele Brambilla & David B. Hibbert

    The macroscopic branching and shape of a metal, electrodeposited in quasi-two dimensions, can be represented by a Lindenmayer System of multiple iterated function systems. The motif of a central branch that continues and two side branches is shown to allow modeling of the observed shapes. The dilation (or contraction) in length, and the angle of a branch with respect to the central stem are the only parameters needed to create realistic simulations of such ramified deposits. Values for these quantities together with standard deviations measured from a number of electrodeposited copper fractals have been used to generate simulations. Measurement of the parameters of the motif, the average linear dilation factor from one generation to the next, and the angles between branches, show a 5% relative standard deviation of these factors across one growth. The values of these parameters can also indicate the transition from an open fractal form to the more directed dendritic form. The results are compared with other approaches to describing these systems.

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  • 2014/12 Rethinking scientific presentation workshop with Prof. Michael Alley (8th December 2014)


  • 2016/07 "Computational Plasma Astrophysics" PiTP school 2016 - Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton (NJ - USA)


  • 2016/09 "Neutron stars: gravitational physics theory and observations" New CompStar school 2016 - University of Coimbra, Coimbra (Portugal)


  • 2017/03 Data Quality Monitoring shift - Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope ( 6-12 March 2017)


  • 2017/06 "Statistics for Astronomers XIII" summer school 2017 - Penn State University, State College (PA - USA)


  • 2018/11 Hands on Spark (Accenture internal course, 5 November 2018)


  • 2020/07 Responsible AI (Accenture internal course, Summer 2020)


  • 2020/11 "Machine Learning of Dynamic Processes and Time Series Analysis" School - Scuola Normale Superiore, 26-27 November 2020


  • 2020/11 Conversational AI (Accenture internal program)


  • 2020/12 DeepL. 4 Coders

    part.1 - with fastAI

Riconoscimenti e premi

  • PhD Scholarship

    University of Milan

    Scholarship from the University of Milan, euro 13.638, 47 per year plus bonuses

  • Master thesis Scholarship

    Rotary Club Colli Briantei

    Master Thesis Scholarship from Rotary Club Colli Briantei in 2013 worth euro 5.000,00.

  • Scholarship scientific degrees project

    Società Italiana Fisica (Italian Society of Physics)

    Scientific degrees project scholarship from the Italian Physical Society (SIF) in 2008 worth euro 4.000,00 per year, for two years (euro 8.000,00 total).


  • Italian

    Conoscenza madrelingua o bilingue

  • English

    Conoscenza professionale completa


  • Cheeky Scientist Association


    - Presente

    Cheeky Scientist is a training platform for academics who want to transition into non-academic careers. The Cheeky Scientist Association is a specialized program for Ph.D.’s who want to transition into industry.

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