Istio Component Status

Questions about Kiali’s Istio infrastructure health checks.

How can I add one component to the list?

If you are interested in adding one more component to the Istio Component Status tooltip, you have the option to add one new component into the Kiali CR, under the spec.external_services.istio.component_status field.

For each component there, you will need to specify the app label of the deployment’s pods, the namespace and whether is a core component or add-on.

One component is ‘Not found’ but I can see it running. What can I do?

The first thing you should do is check the Kiali CR for the spec.external_services.istio.component_status field (see the reference documentation here)

Kiali looks for a Deployment for which its pods have the app label with the specified value in the CR, and lives in that namespace. The app label name may be changed from the default (app) and it is specified in the spec.istio_labels.app_label_name in the Kiali CR.

Ensure that you have specified correctly the namespace and that the deployment’s pod template has the specified label.

One component is ‘Unreachable’ but I can see it running. What can I do?

Kiali considers one component as Unreachable when the component responds to a GET request with a 4xx or 5xx response code.

The URL where Kiali sends a GET request to is the same as it is used for the component consumption. However, Kiali allows you to set a specific URL for health check purposes: the health_check_url setting.

In this example, Kiali uses the Prometheus url for both metrics consumption and health checks.

    url: ""

In case that the prometheus.url endpoint doesn’t return 2XX/3XX to GET requests, you can use the following settings to specify which health check URL Kiali should use:

    health_check_url: ""
    url: ""

Please read the Kiali CR Reference for more information. Each external service component has its own health_check_url and is_core setting to tailor the experience in the Istio Component Status feature.