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Scrapbooker & Conversationalist

Location: Piraeus - Hellas (Greece) - Europe - Earth - Solar System - Orion Arm - Milky Way - Local Group - Virgo Cluster - Laniakea SuperCluster - Local Filament - Visible Universe - Universe - Multiverse - Yog-Sothoth - Omniverse

Joined Jul 25, 2013 at 04:53AM EDT


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+363 +394 (92%) -31 (8%)
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+340 +354 (96%) -14 (4%)


My name is Elias (or Ilias, both are right) and I live in Greece. I'm here mostly because I like finding and saving pictures, videos, stories and opinions that interest me. I'm very shy and my English is not perfect, so don't expect me to speak in the forum very often. I don't follow people very often, but If I follow you, that's because you have said, done, or uploaded something awesome, or maybe because I just like you. If for any reason you want to follow me, go ahead. You don't have to put a comment in my profile if you don't want to.

I identify myself as an amateur astronomer, futurist, sci-fi reader, supporter of the Venus Project, transhumanist, anarchist, agnostic, skeptic, pacifist, brony(!), gamer, dyslexic, and other stuff too. But most importantly, I consider myself (and everybody else [including you]) as citizen of the Cosmos, child of the Earth and the stars. Every atom in our bodies, our planet and our lives, such as the oxygen we breath and the carbon on which life on Earth is based on, came from dead stars. We’re all brothers and sisters, sharing the same planet, the same needs, the same problems, and the same cosmic roots. We're one big family. We don't need political-religion-philosophical-economic dogmas that want to separate us!

Science: astronomy, physics, ecology, mechanics, cosmology, astrobiology, quantum physics, biology, extraterrestrial civilizations…

Technology: space exploration and colonization, future technologies, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, robotics, cybernetics, bioclimatic architecture, genetic engineering, interstellar voyages, experimental aircrafts…

Society: Anarchism, resource-based economy, Venus Project, cybernated government, transhumanism, world citizenship…

Entertainment: new age electronic music (Vangelis, Kraftwerk, Tangerine Dream, Jean Michel Jarre e.t.c.), Celestia, documentaries, science fiction (Isaac Asimov, Arthur Clarke e.t.c.), Britney Spears, cartoons (Once Upon A Time…Space, Futurama, Inspector Gadget, My Little Pony, Ninjago, Looney Tunes, Avatar e.t.c.), ufology, video games (Simcity, Spore, Command and Conquer, Midtown Madness, Galactic Civilizations e.t.c.), books…

And there are more!

By the way, Fluttershy is my waifu. So please be careful what you say!


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