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Location: Interwebs

Joined Feb 09, 2019 at 02:33PM EST


Karma Received
+43 +97 (64%) -54 (36%)
Karma Given
+49 +86 (69%) -37 (31%)


I’m a furry artist that likes memes and Jesus. Also apparently my taste in memes is garbage I guess ¯\(ツ)/¯

Also I feel like I should probably at this point just put it out there that I am a Leftist. If you question that, I recommend you check out because it'll probably answer most of the basic questions and also clear up the most common misconceptions. That said, I'm also always open to personally answer any questions anyone might have (to the best of my ability).

Update: I am now a Marxist-Leninist specifically, and I feel pretty comfortable with that. But as always, I'm open to changing my views when presented with new evidence.

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