Posts in 2024

  • Kubernetes v1.31: Accelerating Cluster Performance with Consistent Reads from Cache

    By Marek Siarkowicz (Google) | Thursday, August 15, 2024 in Blog

    Kubernetes is renowned for its robust orchestration of containerized applications, but as clusters grow, the demands on the control plane can become a bottleneck. A key challenge has been ensuring strongly consistent reads from the etcd datastore, …

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  • Kubernetes 1.31: VolumeAttributesClass for Volume Modification Beta

    By Sunny Song (Google) Matthew Cary (Google) | Thursday, August 15, 2024 in Blog

    Volumes in Kubernetes have been described by two attributes: their storage class, and their capacity. The storage class is an immutable property of the volume, while the capacity can be changed dynamically with volume resize. This complicates …

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  • Kubernetes v1.31: PersistentVolume Last Phase Transition Time Moves to GA

    By Roman Bednář (Red Hat) | Wednesday, August 14, 2024 in Blog

    Announcing the graduation to General Availability (GA) of the PersistentVolume lastTransitionTime status field, in Kubernetes v1.31! The Kubernetes SIG Storage team is excited to announce that the "PersistentVolumeLastPhaseTransitionTime" …

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  • Kubernetes 1.31: Moving cgroup v1 Support into Maintenance Mode

    By Harshal Patil | Wednesday, August 14, 2024 in Blog

    As Kubernetes continues to evolve and adapt to the changing landscape of container orchestration, the community has decided to move cgroup v1 support into maintenance mode in v1.31. This shift aligns with the broader industry's move towards cgroup …

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  • Kubernetes v1.31: Elli

    By Kubernetes v1.31 Release Team | Tuesday, August 13, 2024 in Blog

    Editors: Matteo Bianchi, Yigit Demirbas, Abigail McCarthy, Edith Puclla, Rashan Smith Announcing the release of Kubernetes v1.31: Elli! Similar to previous releases, the release of Kubernetes v1.31 introduces new stable, beta, and alpha features. The …

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  • Introducing Feature Gates to Client-Go: Enhancing Flexibility and Control

    By Ben Luddy (Red Hat), Lukasz Szaszkiewicz (Red Hat) | Monday, August 12, 2024 in Blog

    Kubernetes components use on-off switches called feature gates to manage the risk of adding a new feature. The feature gate mechanism is what enables incremental graduation of a feature through the stages Alpha, Beta, and GA. Kubernetes components, …

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  • Spotlight on SIG API Machinery

    By Frederico Muñoz (SAS Institute) | Wednesday, August 07, 2024 in Blog

    We recently talked with Federico Bongiovanni (Google) and David Eads (Red Hat), Chairs of SIG API Machinery, to know a bit more about this Kubernetes Special Interest Group. Introductions Frederico (FSM): Hello, and thank your for your time. To start …

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  • Kubernetes Removals and Major Changes In v1.31

    By Abigail McCarthy, Edith Puclla, Matteo Bianchi, Rashan Smith, Yigit Demirbas | Friday, July 19, 2024 in Blog

    As Kubernetes develops and matures, features may be deprecated, removed, or replaced with better ones for the project's overall health. This article outlines some planned changes for the Kubernetes v1.31 release that the release team feels you should …

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  • Spotlight on SIG Node

    By Arpit Agrawal | Thursday, June 20, 2024 in Blog

    In the world of container orchestration, Kubernetes reigns supreme, powering some of the most complex and dynamic applications across the globe. Behind the scenes, a network of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) drives Kubernetes' innovation and …

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  • 10 Years of Kubernetes

    By Bob Killen (CNCF), Chris Short (AWS), Frederico Muñoz (SAS), Kaslin Fields (Google), Tim Bannister (The Scale Factory), and every contributor across the globe | Thursday, June 06, 2024 in Blog

    Ten (10) years ago, on June 6th, 2014, the first commit of Kubernetes was pushed to GitHub. That first commit with 250 files and 47,501 lines of go, bash and markdown kicked off the project we have today. Who could have predicted that 10 years …

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