Press Releases

Kuster Renews Calls for Congressional Action at the Southern Border

Washington, D.C. — Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) is renewing calls for Congress to take legislative action to address the situation at the Southern border following the Biden Administration’s executive order barring migrants who cross the border unlawfully from receiving asylum. The executive order empowers immigration officers to remove migrants without a lawful basis to remain in the country and eases the burden on Border Patrol agents. 

“There’s no question that our immigration system is broken. It’s been broken for decades, and the situation at our border is unacceptable—this is an issue that has spanned both Democratic and Republican administrations,” said Kuster. “I’m pleased to see President Biden take action to restore order at the border but recognize this is not a permanent solution. For months, I have urged my Republican colleagues to join Democrats and work in a constructive and bipartisan manner to reform our broken immigration and asylum systems and support our Border Patrol agents.”

Kuster has long advocated for bipartisan immigration reform. As chair of the New Democrat Coalition, Kuster released a framework for comprehensive, bipartisan immigration and border security reform as a starting point for future negotiations. The framework outlines 10 core principles to protect national security, fix the broken asylum system, address labor shortages, grow the economy, and restore order at the Southern border
