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Vermont’s Unemployment Rate Decreases to 2.1 Percent in April

May 17, 2024


Mathew Barewicz, E & LMI Director, Department of Labor 
802-828-4153 | [email protected]

Vermont’s Unemployment Rate Decreases to 2.1 Percent in April

Today, the Vermont Department of Labor released data on the Vermont economy for the time period covering April 2024. According to household data, the seasonally-adjusted statewide unemployment rate for April was 2.1 percent. This reflects a decrease of one-tenth of one percentage point from the prior month’s revised estimate. The civilian labor force participation rate was 65.5 percent in April, an increase of one-tenth of one percentage point from the prior month’s revised estimate.

“The April numbers capture the economic bump associated with increased visitor traffic for the eclipse adding to an already busy season as spring transitions into summer. April traditionally kicks off the hiring season in Vermont with numerous job fairs across the state and the celebration of National Youth Apprenticeship Week in May. Vermont has more than 1,500 active apprentices and over 400 employer sponsors, and on June 6th and July 24th, the Department of Labor will once again be partnering with the Vermont Lake Monsters to bring two large job fairs to the baseball diamond in Burlington. If you’re an employer looking for talent or a job seeker looking for work, click the link to learn more about this event and others: All are welcome to participate.” - Michael Harrington, Commissioner                        

The Vermont seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate declined to 2.1 percent in April. The comparable United States rate in April was 3.9 percent, an increase of one-tenth of one percentage point from the revised March estimate. The seasonally-adjusted Vermont data for April show the Vermont civilian labor force increased by 860 from the prior month’s revised estimate (see Table 1). The number of employed persons increased by 997 and the number of unemployed persons decreased by 137. The change to the number of employed was statistically significant in the seasonally-adjusted series.

The April unemployment rates for Vermont’s 17 labor market areas ranged from 1.7 percent in Burlington-South Burlington to 4.4 percent in Derby (note: local labor market area unemployment rates are not seasonally-adjusted – see Table 2). For comparison, the April unadjusted unemployment rate for Vermont was 2.3 percent, an increase of two-tenths of one percentage point from the revised unadjusted March level and an increase of five-tenths of one percentage point from a year ago.                                                                                                                            

The Unemployment and Jobs Report for May is scheduled to be released on Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

To view the full release, visit View the PDF version.

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