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VOSHA Frequently Asked Questions


Who is Covered by VOSHA?

All employers that have employees and all employees of corporations are covered by VOSHA.

Is there a minimum number of employees I must have before VOSHA has jurisdiction?

In most cases there is no minimum number of employees. In agriculture and certain non-hazardous industries, the minimum is 10.

If a business has a fatality must it be reported?

Yes. You can report during normal working hours by calling 1-800-287-2765 or by contacting a 24-hour toll-free Hotline at 1-800-321-OSHA. A report must be made within eight (8) hours of an employer becoming aware of the fatality.

Can I get help with identifying and correcting workplace hazards?

Yes. A consultation and training service is available to Vermont employers by calling 1-800-287-2765 or click on Online Project WorkSAFE Consultation Visit Request Form.

Will a VOSHA enforcement officer be sent out as a result of this call?

No. Employers that request a consultation visit will not be scheduled for a compliance inspection.

Is there anyone who can provide training for my employees on workplace hazards?

The consultative and training division will do this for you. They can be reached at 1-800-287-2765.

If a VOSHA enforcement finds violations at my workplace will there be any penalties?

If the inspector finds violations which are classified as serious there can be a penalty of up to $14,000 for each violation.

If I am cited can I appeal the citations?

You can appeal to VOSHA and request an informal conference or you may appeal directly to the VOSHA Review Board. In either case this must be done within 20 calendar days of your receipt of the citation.

Am I required to correct all the violations found?

Yes. You must correct the violations and notify VOSHA in writing that you have done so. You will be required to tell VOSHA what you have done to correct the violations and you should provide proof such as photographs, invoices, or receipts.

I think that my workplace is unsafe. Can you help me?

Call VOSHA to discuss your concerns. You may be asked to fill out a complaint form about the hazards. You may also fill out a complaint online by clicking on the Online Complaint Form.

If I file a complaint, will it be kept confidential?

Yes. Complaints are retyped and all personal identifiers are removed. Your name is not put on the complaint form. Employees are also protected from discrimination for filing a complaint with VOSHA. If you are a victim of discrimination as the result of having filed a complaint, you should contact VOSHA within 30 days. Employees who are discriminated against may also file a private action against their employer.

How are VOSHA inspections determined?

Health and Safety inspections are randomly scheduled, based on injury and illness rates derived from the annual BLS Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illness. Inspections are also scheduled based on complaints and referrals.

How can I get information on safety and health standards, the Standard for General Industry and Construction, OSHA 300 logs, Small Business Handbooks, Confined Space or Hazard Communication?

Contact VOSHA at 1-800-287-2765 or click on Links to Various Safety and Health related sites. You can then go to the OSHA Homepage.

Where can I get information on health hazards, such as chemical exposures, asbestos, indoor air quality, or blood-borne pathogens?

Contact VOSHA at 1-800-287-2765 or email us at [email protected]

Are there any temperature requirements for working conditions?

No, there are not temperature requirements in the State of Vermont

What if I have additional questions concerning VOSHA?

Contact the VOSHA Division of the Vermont Department of Labor. We will try to provide you with the information you need.

Where can I acquire the VOSHA Safety & Health Standards Books?

To order VOSHA Safety & Health Standards for General Industry or VOSHA Safety & Health Standards for Construction please send a check or money order along with your request to:

Vermont Department of Labor


5 Green Mountain Drive

P.O. Box 488

Montpelier, VT 05601-0488

*Please be sure to indicate the amount of each that you are purchasing.

The cost for General Industry is $25.00 each.

The cost for Construction is $20.00 each.

This cost includes shipping and handling.